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Jimin pov:

I wasn't angry. How could I be angry? It was just. No matter how fucked up things got, you could only get truly angry if you thought that things weren't fair and just. I deserved every bit of this. Ember was fate, slapping me in the face and telling me it hadn't forgotten what I'd done. One and a half decade had gone by and I'd successfully hidden. My guilt was in the past and I was living my quiet grey life. No love, no glory, no fame but also no pain.

Then she strode through the wreckage of my life, making me remember what was possible and what I had lost. I'd fucked women over the past twenty-five years. I'd had good times since my world ended. There were even times when I was happy. But Ember was the first thing since they died that was real. She was the first new person that I felt that I might be able to love. And she turned out to be my son's best friend and I was such a crappy father that I didn't even know she existed.

Well played, Fate.

I couldn't go back to my bedroom, to the smells and sights and memories. Grabbing two pillows from the couch, I went to the guest room. The sensors turned the bedside lamp on when I entered the room and I laid down and put my hands behind my head. I'm not sure how long I remained there staring at the ceiling, but I eventually rolled on my side, grabbed the lamp and hurled it against the wall. I didn't want to see, I didn't want the light. I wanted oblivion.


She's crowning. Would you like to watch? It's almost time."

I'd played before 50,000 people without butterflies and yet here I was with my wife, a doctor and two nurses and I felt like I was going to yack.

"No, I ... I'm good here."

Becky had my hand in a death grip. I used the cloth that had been in the now tepid water to wipe the sweat from her brow. "Love you, Baby. You're doing amazing. You're a fucking miracle."

She took time from her grimacing to look up and give me a half-smile tinged with pain. Becky squeezed my hand and looked back down at the doctor who was between her legs.

Time passed. It could have been a minute or a year. I heard a squall and the doctor looked at Becky and then at me.

"Congratulations. You have a healthy, beautiful son."

Becky! Becky! Becky!"

She came running out the back door and onto the patio where I was kneeling in front of Eddie.

"What? What's wrong? What..."

"Shhhhh! Listen. Quiet." I waved my hand in a downward motion and she joined me, confusion on her beautiful face.

"Da..." He giggled. "Da..."

Tears pouring down my face, I grabbed him, stood and spun around. Pulling him close, I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah, buddy. I'm your dad."

Just get home. Right the fuck now." She hung up the phone.

She didn't seem pissed, but I'd never heard her like that. I put down the guitar. "Sorry, guys. Gotta go. Something weird's up."

I raced home in my Mustang. If the album was as big as the label thought it was going to be, I could finally trade it in for something reliable. Becky had the Volvo. That thing was like a tank and would run forever. She needed the good car, I didn't.

NO STRINGS ATTACHED #Jiminfanfic (COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora