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Ember pov:

I was feeling a lot of things.

Like, a lot.

My daughter’s guitar teacher was a legend. A Grammy-award-winning rockstar who just happened to be teaching my seven-year-old daughter how to play fucking “Happy Birthday” on the guitar. That fact alone was enough to make my head spin a thousand times a second.

Then there was the crushing humiliation, the intense mortification of losing my shit at the dude who stopped us. And that got a thousand times worse as Alex glared at me, annoyance still written across his face as he refused to let me get away without telling him what I was talking about.

“Well?” he asked testily as I froze.

“Can we talk about it somewhere else?” I asked quietly.

“What? I just had to—”

“Please, jimin.” My voice shook and I turned even redder, more pissed at myself for sounding pathetic than I was embarrassed. “Just your car, even?”

He almost said no. Then he studied me for a moment, sighed, and jerked his head towards the parking lot. We said nothing as we walked through the lot, save for jimin pointing out which car was his and me mumbling a quick “thank you” as he opened the passenger door for me.

“Flustered” and “flattered” were then added to the growing list of emotions I was experiencing.

He got into the driver’s seat but didn’t turn the key. I tried to collect my thoughts and figure out how to tell him, but apparently I was taking too long.

“Gonna make me ask again?”

Give me a fucking second,” I snapped.

Jimin made a small noise, almost like a scoff, but shrugged.

“I used to do some ... alternative modeling.” It came out sounding flat and lame.

“Uh. Okay.”

“Under the name Ember Firestone.”

He chuckled. “All right.”



I swallowed, the silence in the car almost overwhelming.

“I was pretty popular,” I added quietly.

“I can imagine.”

“Please don’t.”

He laughed a bit and shrugged. “Okay. And?”

“And what?”

“What’s the rest of the story?”

“Um ... I stopped just after Leia was born? I don’t ... I still get recognized sometimes. I don’t like it.”

Jimin turned to me. “That’s it?”

I must have looked offended, or at the very least confused, because he started laughing again.

“I just mean like, that’s ... that’s the deep dark secret?”

“Um. Yeah. I used to do like, shows and stuff. Kind of like conventions? But I ... don’t. Not anymore.”


I stared at him. Where was the inevitable judgment? Where was the leering grin, the slow expectation that he probably didn’t have to take me to dinner at a fancy restaurant, he could probably just pick up a six-pack and bring me back to his place and I’d...

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