"Shit, no. I mean, it was a dick move, for sure. But I would've ended up in the same position either way. Fuck, I owe everything to him, Em."


"Not everything," he added quickly. "But I mean, besides you, no one's ever, you know. Helped me like he has."

"So you're not going to ... I don't know, kill him?"

Namjoon's mouth scrunched a bit as he thought.

"Nah, that's probably a bit much." His face brightened as he grinned devilishly. "I mean, maybe he'll give me a raise. I'll ask tomorrow."

He plopped the songbooks on the counter and let himself outside to see Leia. I stared after him, then looked at Kelsie.

"Emotional maturity?" I gasped. "From ... Namjoon?"

"Holy shit," Kelsie muttered. "I mean, I'm still pissed at Jimin, but damn. He really has turned that kid around."

Kels, I'm giving him another chance."

"Girl, I can't even be mad about it."
Namjoon was playing with the girls, Kelsie was okay with supervising them, so I went inside and texted Jimin.

Where do you live?

The response was almost instant, albeit confused.

Uh ... Pueblo. Or are you looking for more specifics?

I want to talk to you in person.

He texted the address moments later, and a short time after that, I pulled into his driveway.

It wasn't the kind of place I expected Jimin to live. Or, well, maybe it was. The Jimin that wore khakis and golf shirts might live here, but the Jimin with the leather jacket and the jeans and the tattoos ... Either way, it seemed strange to see the neatly manicured lawn and well-tended flower beds outside the house. Then again, maybe he had people to do that for him.

Before I even knocked on the door, Jimin opened it.

"C'mon in. Want something to drink? I have, uh ... water."

"An impressive selection, but I think I'll just go with water."

He chuckled and motioned to the couch in the living room. I perched almost nervously on the edge of the couch. The room was tidy, minimal in decoration but clean and welcoming. In one corner sat a music stand and chair, in another a bookshelf with stacks of magazines, photos, and other small knick-knacks, and a large leafy plant in a third. I looked around the room, looking but not really seeing, until he set two glasses of water on the coffee table and sat beside me. I swallowed as I felt his eyes on me, patiently waiting for me to speak.

"I told Namjoon."

"About you and me?"

"About Curt Llama."


There was a tense, awkward silence.

"I mean, I didn't really tell him. He kind of overheard."

"How pissed is he?"

"Um. He said that was 'classic Jimin,' called you a fucker, and said he was going to ask for a raise."

jimin laughed, startling both of us.

"Shit. Well, he probably deserves it at this point."

Again we fell quiet. I sipped water to fill the silence.

"When you said you'd make it right if I gave you another chance, what did you mean?"

"I want to do the right thing," he said.

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