"I'm not an albino, how many times do we have to go through this, Pacifica?" Gideon asked.

"I call you whatever I want." Pacifica stated.

Gideon almost said something, but a wave of realisation hit him, the reason Pacifica wanted to cancel everything, why she wanted to stop it.

"You fell in love, didn't you?" Gideon asked.

Pacifica blushed a bit, looking to the side. "I'm not sure this is love, but maybe I did."

Gideon laughed. "Who would believe it, Pacifica Perfect, the jerk, the most judgmental girl in town, would find someone her standards!"

"He's not my standards exactly, but he's perfect." Pacifica stated.

"What's perfect about him to you?" Gideon asked.

"Everything." Pacifica spat. "I mean, almost everything." she added. "He's into board games, likes to find a nice spot to let his mind wander off, he also loves the same books as me!" she stated. "The only downside is that he doesn't have the best manners and not the best fashion, and is poor."

"If your parents find out he's poor then you're gonna be so done for!" Gideon warned.

"They won't find out if you don't tell." Pacifica said. "Will you snitch on me?"

"Of course not!" Gideon took her hand. "I wouldn't do anything to upset my queen."

He leaned down a bit and gave her a small kiss at the back of her hand, Pacifica watched him with a serious expression, that soon turned into a malicious smile.

. . .

Pacifica and Dipper were at a library, they had a small session of DD&D at another place and now sat a bit to play some chess.

"I still don't believe you tried to seduce the demon." Dipper said.

"It was worth a shot!" Pacifica said.

"Really worth it, you rolled a 20." Dipper said, moving a black rook.

"I'm just the luck in person, if you get what I mean." Pacifica said, winking at him.

She moved a white pawn. "Oh please, you cheat." Dipper stated, moving a black pawn.

"I do not cheat!" Pacifica stated.

"Pacifica, you're rich." Dipper said. "You cheat in life."

"Is that so?" Pacifica asked, taking a bishop. "In that case. . ." she put it in a diagonal to the king. "Check."

Dipper kept silent for some seconds, Pacifica crossed her arms and smiles in victory, the king couldn't move, he was trapped, so Pacifica won.

"You know I can eat your bishop with my knight, right?" Dipper asked.

Pacifica looked at him blankly, widened eyes in shock. She glanced at the board and saw the put her bishop in a perfect position for the knight to take it. Dipper didn't think twice, he put the knight where Pacifica's bishop was, putting that bishop at the side of the board with a white rook and queen.

"How are you so good at this?" Pacifica asked, moving her knight.

"My mom wanted me to be friends, so she put me in a chess club when I was seven." Dipper said, moving his rook back.

"He's reading all of my moves." Pacifica thought. "As if—. . . he was reading my mind."

"It's your turn, Pacifica." Dipper said.

Pacifica looked at him, eyed him up and down for a second and then moved her pawn ahead. "I want the queen back."

Dipper gave Pacifica the queen back and put the pawn where her queen was, he then moved the rook. Pacifica saw an opportunity, putting her second bishop where his rook was.

"Fiddlesticks. . ." Dipper mumbled. "She got me good."

His mumbling made Pacifica lose her doubts of him reading her mind, and if he had that power, her mind was blocked, so unless he had something stronger than her it would be impossible. He moved his pawn.

Stop being paranoid, Pacifica. He's just a cute nerd.

She moved her queen. "Check."

"Holy heavens, you're good at this!" Dipper said.

"You're the one leaving open spots." Pacifica said.

Dipper switched his rook with this king. "Well played." Pacifica thought.

Dipper waited for Pacifica to make her move. She moved her pawn, and waited for Dipper. As he grabbed his rook, Pacifica decided to ask him.

"Would you go out with me?" Pacifica asked.

Dipper let the rook fall and coughed multiple times, as if he was chocking on something. He put a hand on his mouth and looked down, Pacifica stared at him like she had seen the weirdest thing in the world. "What was that?"

"Sorry! I just. . . Wasn't expecting that." Dipper said.

"When you don't expect things that end up happening you make those weird sounds?" Pacifica asked.

Dipper let out a nervous laugh with a hand behind his head. "Am. . . Where would we go?"

"Lisandre Cafe." Pacifica said.

Dipper put his arm down. "Wow, a simple place instead of a fancy restaurant?"

"I'd choose a five star restaurant to impress you." Pacifica stated. "But I thought you'd like something simple for us to hang out together, since you're not used to luxury either way."

"Does she really have to be a show off?" Dipper thought. "Hm. . . Okay."

"Wait, really?" Pacifica asked.

"Yeah." Dipper said. "You showed me you're a nice girl, we became good friends, I don't see why not."

Pacifica smiled a lot. "Perfect."

"Like your surname?" Dipper asked.

Pacifica looked surprised, but then her eyes closed tightly and she let out a laugh, a genuine normal laugh, not the usual mocking one.

"You're adorable." Pacifica stated.

Dipper looked embarrassed. "Haha, thanks. . ."

"So, when are you free?" Pacifica asked.

"We can go tomorrow afternoon, Mabel said she would go biking with Robbie so I don't have anything to do." Dipper said.

"Is it usual that your sister leaves you?" Pacifica asked.

"Nah, it's just sometimes, but it's okay." Dipper said.

"Hmph." Pacifica let out.

"So, I'll see you at two?" Dipper asked.

"Two P.M, me and you at the Lisandre Cafe." Pacifica said.

"Alright, sounds good." Dipper said.

"Perfect." Pacifica stated. "Just like my surname."

Dipper laughed a bit, Pacifica stood up from her seat and walked towards Dipper, giving him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush a bit of embarrassment, blinking twice in surprise.

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