♡✿ Chapter 54 Submit to me ✿♡

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Once Shigaraki was down, everyone stopped in their tracks. Shigaraki started to talk about how dumb heroes were but the small princess completely ignored him.

She couldn't believe her ears when Aizawa said those three little words. She then hugged her unofficial adopted father, forgetting everything about their dramatic and dangerous situation before she felt Aizawa push her off of him and to the ground.

She was confused at first before fully understanding the situation. Blood spilled onto her face as she watched Eraser Head's leg separate from his body.

Her hands gripped the earth beneath her as purple lightning surrounded her body,"Za... za?"

Little shock waves itched her skin but she was too caught up in Aizawa's bleeding, she could only stare in shock. Shigaraki quickly got out of the hero's grip by using one of his quirks and his brute strength before charging to Aizawa. The small girl's body moved on its own and got in front of Aizawa but it didn't help much since she was tiny as Shigaraki gripped Aizawa's face as if the villain wanted to claw out the hero's eyes in which he kinda did.

Shigaraki then gripped (Y/n)'s hair and for a spilt second his quirk worked and he disintegrated her hair to which quickly stopped before it could reach her skin. (Y/n)'s hair was no longer the length it was before but extremely short, like a very short pixie cut hairstyle.

She gritted her teeth and used her quirk on him, shield, and pushed him far away before ice was send in his direction, making the villain bleed. (Y/n) looked back and saw Todoroki was the one that sent the ice. She then looked back at Aizawa and felt her knees buckled beneath her.

Shigaraki moved but before he could do anything Midoriya punched him, making the villain fly back but held his ground and stood a bit hunched over but straight. He spoke but (Y/n) ignored him as she watched with fear and anger in her eyes as Midoriya and the other heroes ran to Aizawa's aid. As they started to try and bandage him up with his scarf, (Y/n) felt tears drip from her eyes.


"Zaza! Look, look!" (Y/n) held up a drawing of her, Eri, Aizawa, Yamada and Hitoshi with the word "Family" at the top.

"Woah, that's great kid." Aizawa patted her head which made the girl smile brightly. She got back to drawing the next one while Eri showed Aizawa her drawings.

Shōta smiled at his two girls and felt at peace. He wanted this to work. Become a real family with no trouble of villains. He then took the girls in his arms and hugged them tight,"I'm so glad I have you two here with me."

The girls laughed, making Shōta's heart melt. Eri hugged back while (Y/n) kissed his cheek and reply sarcastically,"Of course you are! We're adorable!"

His laughter made the girl's giggle and their heart melt. Eri and (Y/n) got back to drawing as their unofficial father's, who was much better parent than anyone that took care of them, laughter slowly died down.

"Such a clever and witty girl. Clever...?" Aizawa thought as he looked back at (Y/n) and felt something stir in him. He felt guilty for doing this but what his son said the other day about (Y/n) possibly being the daughter of a very clever and dangerous villain like... All For One... he used his quirk and tried to erase something, anything but Nothing happened.

(Y/n) stirred in her seat before slowly looking back at Aizawa while his quirk tried to work on her but to his surprise... her eyes were red. Like his. Aizawa's quirk stopped but he didn't deactivate it which meant... (Y/n) used his own quirk against him.

•Flashback End•

The three little words came back to (Y/n) to which Anger boiled inside her as Purple lightning surrounded the girl and her eyes glowed blood red. Her hands met the ground as the lightning shot up to Shigaraki piercing him through his skin. His eyes widened in disbelief as he hunched over and spit out blood but that didn't stop him, no, He was about to use his quirk but Midoriya quickly floated himself and Shigaraki in the sky (also the others) before Tomura could touching the ground and use his quirk.

Deku's black wip started wavering which made him put everyone back down onto the ground except himself and Shigaraki. (Y/n) activated Erase as her other quirk started to rip through her black dress. Her back exposed and bright hot red wings spread out, revealing themselves out to the world.

She knelt down before quickly flying to Shigaraki and Deku. She shot out a barrier to push Shigaraki away from Deku which surprised both the boys and everyone else.

Shigaraki smiled crazily,"That's it, (Y/n)! Use your quirks! Submit to me and help me defeat these heroes! The heroes that took away your Otosa, All For One! We'll get our vengeance and our dreams will come true! Just Submit to me!"

The girl gripped her fist as her wings kept her in the sky and her blood red eyes pierced through Shigaraki's soul,"I am the daughter of All For One but I will not be like him! Never ever! And I will never submit to you, Shigaraki!" She shot out lightning that shocked him and without stopping, Deku punched him repeatedly, not giving him chance to defend himself while (Y/n) would sometimes use her quirk to shock him.

While that was happening, Katsuki and Endeavor as well as Shoto ascended to the sky using their quirks. Katsuki threw Endeavor to Shigaraki, making Deku stop in his tracks and pull (Y/n) with him. Endeavor activated his quirk and burned Shigaraki who loudly screamed out in pain before everything shut off.

All for One now controlled Shigaraki's body and shot his quirk through Endeavor before reaching his hand out to Deku and his daughter. He activated his quirk wanting to take Deku's quirk and take his daughter back but in an instant... Katsuki Bakugou pushed them aside and instead sacrificed himself to save them.

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