♡✿ Chapter 25 Fruit ✿♡

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Mirio threw open the door once news hit the hospital like a fire spread. There, sitting on the bed, was Sir Nighteye. Alive. No injuries. Completely alive. No one could explain it but it had been theorized that a "bring dead back alive" quirk had something to do with it.

"S-sir...?" Mirio said, barely above a whisper but Thankfully, Nighteye had heard him.

Mirio ran up to Sir Nighteye and hugged him tight. Although before Nighteye had dead, had he made Mirio promise to always smile but right now Mirio was happy to see his superior alive. Nighteye was also so very happy to see Mirio again. Granted, it was under strange circumstance.

Aizawa walked in along with Izuku and a few others following close behind. Everyone was beyond themselves. How in the world, is Sir Nighteye... alive?

"We have no idea how he's alive. The only thing we can tell you is that every injury he had is now gone, like it never existed." The doctor spoke.

Izuku hadn't words to describe his emotions. He was happy to see Sir Nighteye alive but the question of how, lingered through his mind. All Might patted the top of Izuku's head before walking over to Nighteye.

Aizawa watched as everyone interacted with the very much alive Sir Nighteye. Sure, he was grateful to see him but his mind was mostly on the little girls a few rooms away. Aizawa walked out the door and toward little (Y/n)'s room. She had luckily calmed down after her mental breakdown from seeing her sister and now she was just munching on some very tasty fruit and bread Aizawa had given her.

Aizawa knocked before hearing a soft "Come in" and walked into the room. A small smile crept on his face before turning back to his tired expression,"How are you?"

"This fruit is delicious! What is it?"

"(Favorite/fruit), you've never heard of it?"

The girl held the fruit cupped into her small soft hands,"My mind needs the word until a full on dictionary can be pulled out for it."

Aizawa raised a brow,"Excuse me?"

"Ah! Nevermind! It's nothing..." the girl waved her hands around before placing them onto her lap. Aizawa sat down on the bed,"Do you mind if I ask you something?" The girl blushed nervously before slowly nodding her head.

"What is your quirk?"

She stiffened and sweat tripled down her forehead before slowly letting her body relax,"Unhealthing..."

"How come I feel like your not telling me the full truth?" Aizawa said softly. The girl started to shake, thoughts of getting hurt like what Hari did flooded her mind. The torture Overhaul put her through, the knife that was pressed into her throat... no, she didn't want to get hit or worse: killed...

Aizawa noticed the girl's breathing getting unsteady so he slowly placed his hand onto her head,"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. No one is. You're safe now. I promise. "

(Y/n) looked up at him and fell at ease with her thoughts but she still felt like she couldn't trust anyone other than her Otosa and sister. Tears formed in her eyelids,"I just want Eri and my family..." Her tiny hands tried drying her tears but they just kept pouring down her cheeks. A snotty nose and cries filled the small white room before Aizawa held her close in his arms,"Shhh, I promise, you'll see Eri and your family again, okay?"

The girl nodded slowly and held on tight to his shirt. She closed her eyes for a second until looking up at the erase hero,"I don't want to be alone..." She whispered.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere and I promise to visit frequently." (Y/n) felt herself tremble but the comfort of Aizawa's warmth helped ease the cold and fear in her.

A knock was heard before opening carefully. A little old woman stepped inside,"Oh, you're awake little one, how are you feeling?"

The girl leaned her head against Aizawa chest, too shy and scared to speak or do anything. "She's okay, Recovery Girl, just a little shy..." he patted her head.

(A/n): I was SO tempted to write,"He pinched her cheek" but then I was like,"He punished her cheek." like wtf is wrong with me?!🤣 )

"Well, I'm just glad she's alive and well. Her sister is still under the weather though... it'll take time before she's calmed down."

Aizawa patted (Y/n)'s head to ease the stress of Eri while saying,"I'll check up on her every day, just like I promise this one here that I'd visit." He looked down at (Y/n) and felt his heart warmth at the sight of the baby sleeping soundlessly on his chest.

Aizawa unknowingly smiled to which Recovery Girl noticed. She held a heartwarming smile,"I'll go check on some patients..."

Aizawa nodded while still petting (Y/n) on the head, it made him calm and happy to see her asleep,"Goodnight little one, I'll still be here when you wake up. I promise to protect you."

All for One's daughter (MHA x Child!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang