♡✿ Chapter 33 home of Zaza's! ✿♡

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After Eri was all healed up and ready to go, we could finally leave the hospital. Eri and I held hands while walking out the hospital chaperoned by Zaza.

Once outside, we took a minute to enjoy the blue skies. It was just so breath taking....

A car then stopped in front of us, which scared us for a second but Zaza quickly insured us that we're safe. He opened the car door and helps us in. Eri was seated at the left window where I was in the middle and on the right was Zaza.

Throughout the whole car ride, had I and Eri never left our hands empty. One was holding the other, keeping each other safe and calm. Zaza would sometimes start up a conversation about the house and the people we'd meet but other than that we were silent, it help us forget everything while time passed by though.

"Your rooms will be next to-"

"We're not in the same room?" I panicked. Eri's eyes had widened at that and held my hand tighter.

"Would you like to sleep in the same room?" We both nodded, determined to be next to each other for as long as we can.

"Alright we'll just have to rearrange the room but that's no problem."

We both nodded and watched the outside world go by. An hour later the car had quickly pulled up into the driveway, making us a little nervous. Especially since this would be our new home.

Zaza helped us out before walking us towards the door. He gently opened the door whilst I tightened my hand around Eri's to which she responded with the same. The door slowly open and we were met with a soft glowing light bouncing around the hallway. Zaza took Eri's hand in his and produced to walk inside to which we both followed.

We examined the rooms until we got to the kitchen to which we were met with two more males. One with blonde hair styled in a half up bun along with bright blue eyes accessorized with black glasses. He was wearing a green sweater with some light blue long jeans. He was accompanied by a purple hair younger male whose hair was styled up and had tired looking eyes that looked like they needed serious sleep. He wore a black and white stripped shirt along with some ripped skinny jeans with small chains hanging off of the pockets. Both wearing socks and white slippers.

"Heya Sho! Are these the two you were talking about?" The blonde ask.

He pushed Eri and I closer to the duo,"Yea, this is Eri and her sister (Y/n)."

The blonde ran over to us and took our hands,"It's nice to meet you both! Hey Hitoshi! Come say hello to your new sisters!"

The purple haired boy walked towards us slowly before bending down to our level,"Name's Hitoshi. Pop's here is loud but don't mind him, he's nice." He then petted us which startled us a bit before melting into the soft touch of love and pure affection.

"Are you two hungry? I can make us some ramen or onigiri?"

I nodded for us since I knew both Eri and I hadn't had something proper to eat in a while and ramen along with onigiri sounded tasty. My stomach growled lightly but it was unnoticeable by everyone.

"Let's show you to your new rooms!"

"Yamada, no yelling."

"Right, right, sorry sorry." The blonde laughed while Zaza starting walking us to our rooms. We went up a flight of stairs before reaching our destination of white doors.

I looked at Eri before giving her a small smile. Zaza opened the doors and we were greeted by a soft pink colored room and next door was a tinted violet room which complimented each other very nicely.

We checked the pink room first before running out to the violet colored room. Both had some similarities in furniture but neither of us knew which room to choose. I ran to Zaza and pulled at his pants,"We don't know which one..."

"Oh, no worries! We've already discussed the "sharing a room" talk and so we decided to kick down the middle wall to make an even larger room. Some of the furniture will have to be moved but not to worry! We'll get it done!" Yama answered.

I smiled at that statement and looked back at Eri, "Hear that?! We won't separate!"


"Yea!" I then started jumping up and down like a rabbit before hugging Eri tightly,"We're going to stay together forever!"

Somewhere far far away...

"Looks like the little imp is excited. Her blood power is going crazy... that's not good. Her quirks could get out of hand. That brat, Tomura, better get her back and under control or She'll hurt everyone. Hopefully won't stay for too long with the heroes." An old man with a very large and bushy mustache who wore a rather peculiar set of goggles, shaped somewhat like gears, along with a white, buttoned-up labcoat had said while looking at a heart monitor beating fast...


~Author-chan here!~

Hi yes yes I know, I'm super late!
School's been rough on me and I hadn't had time to write so I'm really really sorry!!! I'm starting my exams next week so these late post are going to be frequent until after exam. I'll start writing every Saturday as usual again afterwards but for now, School's a bitch and so are test and exams.

Good luck for anything happening to you and have a lovely night/day.
You matter, okay? Enjoy life, okay?
Love you lots and see you all again in my next post.


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