♡✿ Chapter 11 Let me go! ✿♡

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° (Y/n)'s POV °

I opened my eyes slowly only to see a room filled with white walls,"That's strange... My bedroom walls at home are-"

I sat up once I saw the IV stuck into my arm. I tried to pull it out while thinking,"This is definitely not Otosa's doing! He would never put me into a white room with an IV stuck into my arm. He'd put me into my room an-"

"I see you're awake." A male voice said.

"Who are you?! We're am I?!" I yelled, staring this man down and trying to show dominance.

"You're quite the feisty one..." He grabbed a chair and sat down while observing my every move.

I wasn't scared. I couldn't allow myself to be scared. Otosa and everyone back at my other home wouldn't want me to show fear. That was the first thing they taught me so I obviously had to show this stranger I'm not one to deal with.

"What's your name?"

I glared at him,"Why?"

He sighed heavily,"If you don't stop your bad attitude, I'll have to teach you some respect."

A chill ran down my spine and every light in my brain was going off and on signaling for me to back down. But I was having none of it,"Fuck off!" I yelled, using one of Shiggy's bad words.

Unfortunately... This went completely the opposite of what I was hoping to do. He stared daggers into my soul before standing up and grabbing my arms,"You should've thought this through..."

I felt pain spread through my body, I looked down at my arms to see them completely gone with my blood gushing out,"AGHHHHH!!!"

Tears welling up and pain burning my insides. I struggled trying to not let him touch me again. In that struggling though, I fell off of the bed and hit my head on the floor. Blacking out once again.


My eyes tried to adjust to the new founding colors in my vision. I was apparently chained to a cold chair with bright lights shining on my face, immediately blinding me.

I looked down and saw my tiny arms back in it's place as if it was always there. I sighed heavily with a small smile but turned back seriously afterwards.

I looked around for any clues for a way out but my eyes landed on the medical equipment next to me. My eyes widened and mouth dry.

"Apologies for making you wait and for inflicting pain on you earlier. You're just a much bigger pain then I thought you would be." The same male said coming closer.

"Who are you..." I tried speaking normally but my words came out as a whisper.

"Me? You can call me Overhaul. I'll be experimenting on you from now on since you don't have a family." He said while another man came in and got ready with the knives.

I whimpered,"Otosa will come for me... I know he will..."

"I don't know who this "Otosa" of yours is but if he hadn't left you all alone maybe you wouldn't be here."

"You're wrong!" I cried out.

"Am I?" He picked up a rope and mask before forcing it onto me.

I struggled and tried to scream but my screams were just muffled noises. The man named "Overhaul" nodded at the white clothed person before cutting deep into my arms.

It was painful I tried to scream loudly and beg them to stop but to no vain, they wouldn't stop.

They stuck a needle into my now wounded bleeding arm before taking my blood out of me. I tried to struggle as much as I could but it hurt even more.

"If you keep doing that, it'll hurt even more." The white clothed person said calmly.

I refused to stop struggling but once they went to my other arm, I felt defeated. They cut open my arm before taking my blood. My tears falling down my cheeks as more and more pain came to me...

They cut and cut and cut... until I couldn't feel my arms anymore. My tears had dried up and I felt so tired. They had taken off the rope and mask and now I could talk again. HoweverI really didn't want to but a question just came to me that I unknowinglyasked them in a type of stuttering whisper tone,"W-why are y-you doing this..?"

They placed the knives and blood down before the white clothed person walked away with it. Overhaul bent to my level,"Because... You're going to change the world."

I giggled in my mind,"Hehe, that's what Otosa once said... But not as cruel as Overhaul had said it though."

He walked away once realizing I wouldn't be able to talk back or give him a reaction he wanted. He walked towards a man I haven't seen before and whispered something. That man came towards me and unstrapped me, I would be able to escape right now but I feel to tired to fight back... So I let him take me.

I was trying as hard as I could to stay awake but once we got to a dark room, my eyes closed and darkness consume me.

"I wish I was with Otosa and my other family..."

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