Home Sweet Lair

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"Yo! We got him, now what?" Leo shouted. Mikey had the man wrapped up with his Kusari-fundo.

Raph let go of Y/N and stood up. A shiver ran down Y/N's back as the warmth of Raphael's body left theirs.

"Yeah, what now big man," Mikey asked, pulling Mark forward in front of him. Mark glared up at Y/N and they stepped closer to Raph, unsure if he had anything planned, not that he'd be able to do much in his current state.

"Why were you trying to hurt Y/N?" Raph walked closer to him, towering over Mark who was sat on the ground.

"Because they killed their parents, I know it, their aunt knows it, we all know it was them! What... what are you?" He yelled, quieting down as he asked his question.

"I'm a turtle, and if you try to lay a finger on them again, I will personally make sure you are dealt with," Raph stared down at Mark, his gaze sharper than a blade. His voice was low, a warning. No, a threat.

His tone startled everyone. How could someone so kind speak in such a threatened manner?

"Raph calm down, he doesn't understand the situation, I... I don't blame him for thinking I did it," Y/N placed a hand on his arm, guilt riddling their brain for their parents' deaths.

"But you didn't! And he tried to hurt you! I couldn't live with myself if I let something happen to you!" Raph's voice was much less threatening now as he spoke to Y/N.

"Raph, I know you're worried but you have to relax, being hot headed isn't going to get us anywhere," Y/N said, taking their hand off of Raph and folding their arms. Raph took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay. Okay, I'll think this through and calm down," Raph agreed, taking another breath. Y/N smiled, happy they could defuse the situation.

"Alright, now, Y/N will be staying with us. You will not be telling anyone about this, honestly, they wouldn't believe you anyways," Raph turned back to Mark.

Mark didn't say anything. He knew Raphael was right. If he told someone that Y/N was hiding with four anthropomorphic turtles they'd call him crazy and laugh at him.

"Now, Mikey, untie him and let him go," Raph addressed his youngest brother before turning back to Mark, "and don't even think of trying to come anywhere near Y/N again."

Mikey nodded. He crouched down and untied mark, placing his Kusari-fundo in his belt. Mark shoved Mikey aside and jumped to his feet, taking off down the street. No one followed him. They just watched as he ran.

Once Mark was finally out of sight, Raph turned to Y/N.

"I'm sorry. I just. I get so worried about you and I'm not sure why, you mean so much to me and I never want anything to happen to you," Raph looked at the ground, too guilty to look Y/N in the eyes. He didn't want to be so worried but he couldn't help it. He cared about Y/N, a lot.

"Listen, there is nothing to be sorry for. I understand you are worried and that is okay," Y/N assured him, placing their hands on his arms.

Raph smiled at Y/N. When they locked eyes, the world seemed to slow down for a moment.

"Guys, we are near an entrance to the sewers, we can get home from here," Donnie broke the two out of their momentary trance.

"Yeah, let's go man I'm tired it's been a long night," Leo said, stretching and yawning dramatically.

His yawn was contagious and soon everyone was looking away from each other trying to to yawn again, lightly chuckling as the tension of the past few hours seemed to dissipate.

"Okay, let's get going, we all need some sleep," Raph stated.

The group then made their way down into the sewers and across town to the lair. When they arrived, Splinter was up, pacing the living room.

"Where have you all been?!" Splinter ran up to the five.

"Sorry pops, we had a little portal mishap and had to go make sure Y/N was alright, we're okay," Raph assured.

"As long as you are alright," He sighed, "you kids should get some rest,"

Y/N yawned again, struggling to keep their eyes open through the exhaust. They stumbled forward, catching themself on Raphael's arm.

"Woah, you okay there Y/N?" He asked, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"Yeah just, uh, tired, is all," Y/N murmured, rubbing their eyes.

"Let's get you to bed," Raph chuckled, picking Y/N up.

"Heyy, I can walk myself," Y/N protested.

"You nearly just fell asleep standing up, I'm carrying you," Raph said as he started walking to his room, Y/N in arms.

Y/N wanted to argue but was too tired. The warmth of Raph's arms cradling them was too compelling, too comforting.

"Okay, fine" Y/N relaxed into the snapping turtle's plastron.

Raph took Y/N to his room and lied them down in his bed. Before Raph could walk away to take his place on the floor Y/N grabbed his hand.

"Wait... uh.. could you stay? It has been a really stressful night and I don't want to sleep alone," Y/N asked, blush staining their face. Raph blushed a bit too, nodding and agreeing to stay.

Raph climbed into bed beside Y/N and instantly felt them scoot close, resting their head on his plastron and their arms wrap tightly around him. Raph snaked his arms around Y/N's back and waist, pulling them closer and pulling the blanket over their shoulders to keep them warm.

Within minutes the two had fallen peacefully asleep, tangled up in each other's arms.

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