Date Tech vs. Nekoma

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Bokuto POV.
"ALRIGht PEROs ItS tIME To gEt upPpPp!!!!!"
Everyone gets out of their rooms except for Oikawa and Noya, and personally I don't like how they completely ignored me. So I take it upon myself to wake those unofficial peeps up.
I open the door very very carefully and see them.
"Awwwwwwww wakey wakey lovebirds it time to get ...UPppppppPpPpPpp" I say earning groaning sounds.
"Oh Comon guyzzzz" I start to get very impatient with them that I just stormed off"
Finally they get out of that room.
"How'd y'all sleeeeeeeeepppp???" Kuroo asked.
"Fine" Oikawa replied clinging onto Noya due to his sleepiness.
"Soo y'all together now :3" I asked obnoxiously.
"Nope" Oikawa replied.
Oikawa POV.
"Nope" I replied. 'Not yet '
"Oh yeah I heard Nekoma was playing an haunts Date Tech since they one yesterday." I say.
"Yeah but, we're winning of course because them beaches decided to mess the wrong peoples😤😤"
Kuroo says.

I haven't heard a word from Noya and so I had to bend down to see if he is actually awake or not.

He's not. He's sleeping still.Stanfding.Leaning in me.
"Awwwwwwwww" Bokuto says. "Da babyyy" he continues.
Oh, help me start breakfast and you can continue your expressive self durring practice, yesh?" Akaashi says seriously saving me.

Noya is just here with me, and he isn't asleep anymore.

—-Time skip—-

No one's POV.
Everyone is stretching and getting ready for the game.
"GOOD LUCK GUYZZZ" Hinata yells
Kenma smiles seeing that his friend is going to watch him play .
Kuroo starts getting ready and so the game starts.
First, everything is fine. All anyone can really here are the squeaky noises coming from the shoes rubbing against the floor.
It's intense
One pass after another after another.
Soon the ball hits the floor "whistle blows"
Date tech wins by one point.
"Dang it" Kuroo says
-sigh- comming from Kenma
"Good game guys" Yaku says with a simple smile.

He always knows how to compose himself in the most intense times...except when Lev is around.
"Yaku u did good rightttt, great even!!??" Lev says.
"Whatever..sure" Yaku replies with.
Noya's POV.
Dang that was intense, but I think at this point Date Tech may just win every game .."

"Great job love!!" I hear.
I don't look back.. I don't want to see Asahi and non-eye brow guy hug. I can already picture it.

Kuroo's POV.
I see that Noya is uncomfortable since he's practically standing there..stiff..
"Hey man, any mistakes I made that you can give me advice to??" I say trying to bring up the mood.
"Uh well I guess your recieves were pretty weak today." Noya says.
"Oh really?" He has a good eye. I intentionally made that mistake in case if anything like this happened s where he isn't comfortable due to the atmosphere because of the ace on his team and the ace in Date Tech.

Kenma thought of it 😊.

Me, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Oikawa, and Noya head back to hang and watch some movies.. :))

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