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((Third POV))
Nishinoya had just woken up from a nap with hinata gone. Noya looks around and saw that everyone rearranged seats so Hinata sat with Kageyama.
Noya:hey sho you want your blanky back?
Hinata:no you can give it back to me when we get off!
Tsukishima is still sitting in the row infront of noya. Noya looks beside him and it turns out he had the whole row to himself since he was laying down. He thought it was very comfortable so he took another nap.
Few hourse later
((Noya POV))
We had just gotten there and I'm just barely waking up to the sound of loud noises that seem like noises from people who are excited. I took a quick guess that it was Tanaka and Hinata who ran off the buss. As I walk down I notice something....something I wasn't ready to see...something I thought I wouldn't see at all....
I saw that date tech was here too...
Normally I'd be excited to see another team that I rarely see but this was team I least wanted to see.
I guess my expression was very noticeable that Suga came to me to see if I was fine. I told him everything was fine until I saw Asahi and his boyfriend hug..
"I'm not jealous"
"No...I'm not"
"That is impossible"
"Why would I least he is happy"
I ignored it..I guess I was  noticeably  quiet ...
((Asahi POV))
I was very excited to come because Aone told me he was going to be there!
When we finally got there it was around the same time date tech got there too!
So I grabbed my stuff and jumped right out of the buss to give him a big hug.
((Aone POV))
As I was going to give my beloved a kiss on the cheek(which I did because I had to)
I notice a boy staring at me
His hair was up and he was rather short until I was able to recognize him.
Asahi was still holding onto me because of how clingy and cute he was being.
But once we broke the hug I was going to greet the rest of  karasuno for respect ofcourse. I was planning to say Hi to Asahi's bestfriend first. Nishinoya
But then he had walked away like he was avoiding me so to not seem awkward I greeted the rest of  Asahi's  teammates.
((Nishinoya POV))
I swear I  think that Aone is just trying to get in Karasuno's good side. Which I mean he should because suga is a hard one
Suga was always a mother to the team. Actually thinking about it, I think Aone was going to greet me...HA like I would ever let him greet me..he is the reason why Asahi rejected m-
I froze
I did
Thinking to myself "am I really jealous"
I brushed it off a thinking that it's just a phase when getting rejected. Although this has been the most that I had ever thought in my head about something. But I wasn't paying attention To where I was going I bumped into something..or someone in this case....

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