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((Noya POV))
It seems that I had waken up before Asahi did.. but then I see that Aone had snuck in when I went to sleep. I start grabbing my stuff to leave and once I did I was lost-
Like in a way that I didn't know where to go..
Originally Tanaka bro was going with Ennoshita but went with his girlfriend kiyoko.
And with that I guess "I'll go with Ennoshita"....but I see that he is going to be with Kinoshita and Narita in the room with three beds....

I say with a blank and lost look in my face
... I guess I'll just go with someone in a different team.

((Oikawa POV))
It seems like my team has got one of the rooms that more than 2 people can be with a further a do-

Karoo,Kenna, Bokuto,Akashi took it plus me ofcourse..
Listen I know they aren't in my team but why wouldn't I let my friends be my roommates for a week..that's is fair and very friendly (U-U)
There were enough rooms/beds for all of us but uh it leaves me...each room has two beds but the room I was in..uh
I was I invited iwa-Chan and he obviously said no-


I walk out of the room my friends and I are staying in and I see that little Oompa Loompa walk out of his room with all his stuff-

"Oi"I call out to him hoping he hears me
...he didn't
"HEY" he sees me calling out to him and yells back "WHAT"
Oh god I start walking towards him because I do not and I refuse to talk across the hallways from him

((Noya POV))
So as I'm walking out I'm looking around and the hall ways are kinda empty-
"HEY" I hear..well that was flattyass Oikawa
Gosh does he know I'm actually sacrificing the time I could be with Asahi that I'm wasting here
"WHAT" I said back to him sounding alittle annoyed..
When I yell back to him, responding to him he starts walking towards me. Seriously I feel like I'm in a movie scene where a persons crush starts walking towards them-
He stops in front of me
"What are you doing"
"Looking for a different room to stay in"
I replied.
Oikawa gives me a confused face and asked me why-
I didn't want to tell him that my crush who had rejected me and who I avoided for a few days but actually turning into a few months is staying in the room with his boyfriend and I knew that they were going to consider asking me even me to stay at a different room so they can be together...

"Oh wow shortstack that uh is a lot"
Wait what...

I look around and it seems that Oikawa convinced me to go to his room and talk about it.. and seems like Bokuto,Akashi,Kruoo,Kenna we're there too-meaning I told them what I was thinking
I feel some pats on my back..
It was Kuroo...

Then it became about a 2 minutes of akward silence- until Akashi spoke and said that I can stay with them if I wanted too-

I said yes cause where else am I going to sleep.
Also I'm glad they are people I know I might know them much more than I do for now
I just hope it's not a nightmare

What About Me?..|Oikawa|Nishinoya|OiNoya|HaikyuuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ