1. The Heartbreak

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A/N: please be aware that through out this WHOLLE story I will be switching angst and fluff ALOT of times

Tanaka and Noya were both eating their lunches outside.

Tanaka: "Hey bro I think you should confess to Asahi.."

Noya: "What do you mean I can't do thay?!"

Tanaka: "You talk about him tooooo much dont you think you guys should be official?"

Noya:"....atleast not yet I dont even know how to confess to him."

Tanaka: "then do it today after pracrice!!"

Noya: "Wait What 😳"
Noya is blushing hard


Tanaka runs off leaving Nishinoya alone

Noya's POV:

"Ugh what if he rejects me though.." Noya sighs and walks to his next class. Later the bell rang and it was time for volleyball practice. Walking in the gym Noya grew more and more anxious. "What do I do" he thought. Later, as he knew by the second practice was over, so he was able to go home. After packing his stuff he went to talk to Asahi just like Tanaka said he should .

Noya: "Can we t-talk Asahi?"
Just great im stuttering like a baby.

Asahi: "uh yeah sure, what is it?"

Noya took a deep breath and said without thinking...

he almost fainted when he realized what he said.

Noya: "u-uh I mean- i-"

He was cut off.

Asahi: "are you confessing to me?"

Noya nods slowley and suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder..

Asahi:"Noya i...I think we're better off as good friends...I'm already with some one"

Noya's heart sank deep and he felt it shatter to the point he couldn't say anything but was able to say...

"Oh ok then goodnight i'll see you tomorrow"
He then speed walks to his house. He also felt hot tears streaming down his cheeks.

" I cant even survive a small rejection..no wonder.. I'm too weak" he thought.

When he got home he layed down on his bed and ended up crying, until he got a phone call.

He picks up...

Noya: "hello"

Tanaka: "I'm sorry Noya"

Noya:" no im fine anyway why you called?"

Tanaka: " to check on you Asahi contacted me and told me he's been trying to call you to see if your alright"

Noya: " oh ok..well im doing fine then"

Tanaka: "you sur-"
He was cut off by the way Noya Hung up on him

Noya is now deep into thought...
"who is Asahi with anyway?"
"Do I know this person?"
"Is it a she or a he?"
"Does this person plays volleyball?"
"Is this person in the team or a different one?"

Noya had enough of his questions and decided to ask Asahi during morning practice.

What About Me?..|Oikawa|Nishinoya|OiNoya|Haikyuuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें