I Work Hiding The Existence of BigFoot

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A DVD is found inside a cabin talking about the existence of BigFoot.  Creepypasta/cryptid.

Listen to the narration by CampfireTales here: https://youtu.be/Ki_wT9Uhj0k

I recently bought a  cabin in the wilds of North America; it's surrounded by thick forest and  my back garden is a fresh river

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I recently bought a cabin in the wilds of North America; it's surrounded by thick forest and my back garden is a fresh river. While I was cleaning the place and getting it ready to rent out I found an old DVD that looked very sketchy. A simple "Jennifer" written on the front made me wonder if it was some home made porn.

I forgot about it for a while but came across it again last week after unpacking the boxes from the cabin. I sat down to check it out today and I'm not sure if what I watched is a joke or for real but I've written a transcript of what was on it and I'll leave you to make up your own mind.

[[ The video starts with a man in a white Doctor's coat in a spacious office. ]]

My name is Doctor Thomas Declan and I am a scientist of 43 years experience. I work at the top research facility in the United States of America. I am the head researcher and faculty manager for a top secret team of only thirty people who work hard every day to hide the existence of BigFoot.

I've been doing this work for only three years; I took over from the previous professor when he disappeared without explanation. At least, the facility on the whole is under the impression there is no explanation. In reality the Professor left his position to seek out that which we work so hard to hide away from the public, he wanted to see BigFoot with his own eyes before terminal cancer took his life. I like to believe that he did.

Let me say; BigFoot is absolutely real - they exist. I use 'they' because there is most certainly more than one BigFoot and multiple species who survive in different climates. I can say this because I have seen the real evidence and have worked to make sure it never got out to the world.

Can you imagine what would happen if it was confirmed that BigFoot is not only real but that there are breeding pairs, family units? Different species? Climate specific species? Everyone with a gun would be out in the wilds trying to get a new trophy. We cannot let that happen.

BigFoot is overall a dwindling species, a genetic offshoot of sorts and we aren't too sure if it was 100% nature that made it happen. My team is still researching every aspect. We have theories on the beginnings of BigFoot however as of this moment none of them can be proven. I digress.

[[ The camera cuts to black before starting again with the Doctor in a lab of some sort. ]]

The first photograph of a BigFoot, Sasquatch in Canada, was taken by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin. It's known as 'Frame 352' and is noted as being "iconic" within the scientific community. The short film that the frame is taken from was filmed in October 1967 and was quickly regarded as definitive proof of Sasquatch. The original short film is stored in the archives at my place of work and has been studied expertly for over fifty years. A team of the original researchers in the programme were sent out to track down the creature and prove its existence. The expedition was out of contact for nearly seven months and when they returned they recounted stories of what they had seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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