I Looked Into The Sun

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the reader takes a new drug and has one hell of an experience that they weren't expecting.

warnings; drug use, needles, strong language, angst, horror.

warnings; drug use, needles, strong language, angst, horror

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I looked into the sun and I saw our destruction... now hear me out before you start thinking I'm just a crazy junkie because I thought I was too until things started happening; now I'm just a junkie.

Before this whole thing happened I had never taken anything I had to inject; the whole idea creeped me out... but if I could inhale it into my lungs or ingest it into my stomach, I was down for anything and everything. I wouldn't say I was necessarily an addict... but isn't that what every addict says?

My only friends were the ones I made through drugs and it was through one of them, Wendell, that I was introduced to something new; he said it was called Ruby Supernova. I couldn't help but laugh about it.

"Dude, could you be any more edgy?" I snorted and inhaled deeply on the cigarette he passed me.

"Hey, I didn't name it... but once you try it you'll understand."

I raised an eyebrow and nodded a little. "Okay, what's the catch?"

Wendell acted shocked as though he had no idea what I was asking him about. I just stared at him until he caved. "It's an injectable... can't be inhaled or ingested. It has to be injected."

I wince and squeeze my eyes shut at the thought "Wendell..." I sigh and finish the cigarette "...you know how I feel about that."

"I know bro, but I wouldn't offer it if I didn't think it was worth it...I tried it first to be sure."

I laugh; it didn't surprise me that he'd tried it already. "Of course you did..." I rub my face "is it really worth it? I mean... really? Cuz if this is just bullshit and I get nothing from this... I'm coming after you."

"No, I promise. It's worth it! I wouldn't bullshit you about this." He sits back in his chair and watches me as I play mental gymnastics.

"Okay... how much?"

"Free, I got for me and you. It's a win-win situation." He smiles.

I drop my head and grumble "okay...okay. let's do this... one time only."

"Sure! Fine! One time is all you need. I promise."

Wendell took care of the set up and led me to a dark back room which was only dimly lit by a couple of those cheap constellation night lights. The floor was a pile of filthy duvets, cushions, pillows and blankets while the window was covered with make-shift curtains to block out any light from outside.

I slipped off my jacket and set it behind my head as I lay back against the largest pile of pillows. Wendell flicked on a headlamp and directed the light to my arm. I watched him set up the needle and draw in the liquid which I noted was somehow a metallic red; it shimmered in an unnatural way but I had come this far and I wasn't about to back out. I wish I had; I wish that hit had killed me there and then because living with what I know now....

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