It Wasn't Just Sleep Paralysis

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CW for body horror etc.  My take on sleep paralysis and sleep demons based on my actual dreams.

Whenever I have tried to  get my thoughts down and the events of the last god knows how many  weeks or months

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Whenever I have tried to get my thoughts down and the events of the last god knows how many weeks or months... It's like the thing I've been seeing is putting a block on everything... it gets foggy but... it's not what I thought it was and now it affects my wife too and I have to get it out there.

I'm getting ahead of myself though. It sounds so silly and such a non event - I had nightmares. I've always had nightmares and night terrors. Not every night but enough that even when I was a twenty-something adult living at home my mother would wake me because I was screaming in my sleep and fighting off something from on top of me.

When I moved out and in with my girlfriend-now-wife, she would wake me when I was kicking and punching in my sleep - we'd joke that she isn't a tree in one of our console games. The talking in my sleep was funny to us both because some of the things I would say made no sense; so we laughed when I was "in a boat" or "trading this fish" and even "just going on a trip to the moon".

The nightmares were regular enough but became more frequent as I got older and even more so when I got news of my mother's cancer diagnosis; too far along for effective treatment so she was given twelve months maximum.

The dreams were always the same. I would be running, not from anything at first. I was just running, not something I'd do for fun in waking life but dream-me wanted to keep fit apparently. I'd head into a wooded area and the trees would become thicker, taller, sharper. The bark would change colour from the natural browns to deep reds and sap would begin to drip out of splits in the wood. I could smell metal in the air and taste the same, the ground under my now bare feet was a mix of grass and sharp twigs and again I could feel the sharpness on my feet. The sap was no longer sap but thick blood, dying the trees as it now poured down the sides. The insects and birds were all kinds of wrong; butterflies with human skin as wings - as if just torn from the victim. Bees with large mandibles able to tear apart any prey including my skin. Birds whose feathers were made from muscles, tendons and cartilage. A snake was slithering on the floor seemingly skinned, leaving trails of blood behind it that were being licked up by lizards and frogs with exploded eyes and pus-filled warts. The flowers and other plant life looked like normal but surrounded by everything else they looked out of place and gave off an air of unease.

Now I was running from something... a thing. A being. An alien? An animal? A demon? I don't see it but I know I must escape from it. I continue running but the strong smell and taste of blood in the air is making it hard for me to breathe. My chest feels tight, my arms heavy and my legs are decidedly not doing what legs should do. I fall to the floor on my hands and knees, screaming out in pain as the sharp blades of grass pierce my skin; it's needles and glass, pins and bone splinters. I try to stand but I'm in too much pain and then it's on my back and wrestling me so it can sit on my torso.

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