Why Is My Ex Texting Me?

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Disclaimer; 100% fiction - I have not killed anyone. originally wrote this in 2015/16 ish and I do remember I had had a very trying day - This is what came of it.

paranormal creepy pasta type thing that I used to de-stress myself.

paranormal creepy pasta type thing that I used to de-stress myself

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"Why won't you see me?"

My phone buzzed again on the side table; It was the thirtieth.... Or maybe the fortieth time that day. I didn't need to pick up the phone to know who it was from.

"Please, I miss you. I miss us."

I growl inwardly as it dances on the wood once more.

We hadn't been together long when the relationship had ended - she had fallen hard and fast; two months is all it took. She lavished me with flowers, chocolates, cuddly toys, poetry, concert tickets, CDs, movies... The list goes on. I once came home to my small apartment to find two hundred red roses surrounding the front of the building; entwined into the metal shutters on the windows and wound around the columns holding up the small arch way over the main door.

"Please, I'm sorry. Just talk to me."

I clench my fists and down another shot of tequila as I pace my small apartment.

We had been together three and a half months when I called it off. I told her straight she was moving too fast – no way was I ready to have her move in with me after only fourteen weeks. She hadn't taken it well; and that was putting it lightly.

It had taken her two weeks after the break up to start texting me. At first it was only four or five a day, and I won't lie, I got a sort of.... Spark from it – this woman begging me to go back to her; she started saying she would do anything and I admit... I entertained the idea for a split second. But after a month, two months.... Then three, it was starting to grate on me.

"I miss you. I'll change. I'm sorry."

I sent her a message and told her to just leave me alone; it was obvious we couldn't be friends so just stop. It made no difference.... In fact that's when it got worse. She upped her game.

"I miss us! For God's sake answer me or I'll find you and I'll kill you!"

She started threatening my life and around that time a strange blue car was always wherever I was. Sat outside my work. Outside my university. Outside my apartment. If I was having coffee with friends or colleagues the little blue car would appear; I got the registration and went to the police.

They looked at my phone and shrugged, then they said there was "no real evidence of foul play." When I asked what they meant I got given a funny look and asked if I was feeling okay, would I like some water?

"Those texts are benign, Miss. You have no proof of anything."

I shook my head and walked out feeling more confused than ever and let down by our law enforcement; I looked at my phone and read through the messages from her.

"I'll stab you"

"I'll follow your friends and kill them"

"I'll do whatever it takes to get you back."

"They'll never find your body"

How were they "benign"? They were outright threats to my life and those I loved.

I went home and locked my doors and windows. I haven't left since then and I haven't looked at the phone - I know it's her so I don't need to look. It started to get on my nerves so I turned it into silent but the screen would still light up with every new message.

I'm pacing in my apartment and out the corner of my eye I can still see my phone screen lighting up and new messages appearing.

Why won't she stop texting me?!

I don't get it!

How can she text without her fingers? Or eyes to see? Or a heart to pump the blood?

How can she text me when I killed her months ago?

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