"Yes grammy Josie."They assured her.

After thanking me again they left the kitchen heading back upstairs.

"Told you, you would be a great fit here. The kids will warm up to you slowly the more they see how great you are." Josephine encouraged.

"I can see that."I agreed enjoying the sense of accomplishment being useful was giving me.

"Help me here will you, today's meal is going to be special."Josephine demanded.

"Looks like the last supper."I commented finishing my coffee.

"In a way it is."She affirmed.

I looked at her quizzically wondering what she was talking about until I connected the dots.

"I've only been here two days Josephine, you can't leave yet."I demanded.

"It's time for me to go darlin', in those two days you've shown me that you're more than capable of taking care of everything and everyone. I would not be leaving this soon if I didn't believe in you but you've proven me right. You will do amazing things for this family Savannah and I'm glad you chose Woodcreek to move to."Josephine explained.

The old lady was being really sweet but it felt like she was pulling the rug from under my feet.

"I don't know ma'am."I mumbled.

"I believe in you so believe in yourself and everything will go great. The longer I stay the harder it'll be for me to leave so let me go now while I still have the will."She pleaded.

Josephine had served the Lancaster family longer than I was alive. She looked tired and after she believed in me and gave me a chance, I owed it to her to let her retire in peace.

"I'll do my best not to let you down."I assured her.

"Good, that's the spirit. Woodcreek will be good for you and you will be good for this family."Josephine insisted boosting my morale.

She had such faith in me that telling her I was a scared as hell to do it on my own would be of help to anyone. I just needed to believe in myself as much as she believed in me.

After that heart to heart Josephine and I got busy making a feast for everyone. She insisted that she wanted the whole family together so after cooking we laid everything outside so everyone could fit, the ranch workers included. I helped Josie set the table and set out the food we had worked our asses off to make before retreating into the kitchen.

I could hear everyone congregating outside for dinner and it made me smile but feel sad at the same time

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I could hear everyone congregating outside for dinner and it made me smile but feel sad at the same time. Josephine and I had become close so I would miss her.

"Where's Savannah?"I heard Nathan ask.

"Kitchen."Josephine replied.

"Again?"He asked but I didn't hear Josephine's response.

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