How he faked his death.

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When kitsaru ran out the house he had his phone and texted katsuya to meet in a alleyway near his house.

Once they were both there kitsaru explained his plan.

The two of them would fake his death by putting a fake body that looked just like him with it stuffed with cotton. Then make it have blood all over it with a fake cut. Then he would change his looks and name and join the league of villains to be with katsuya.

So that's what they did.
Katsuya had two quirks:

One where she can create any object and also stuff like fake body's. So basically momos quirk

Then one where if she drinks someone blood they will float

So they used her one quirk to create a fake body and get a gallon of fake blood to use.

The set it all up and then walked back to the league of villain base where he was soon excepted and met everyone.

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