mina found out the gender!

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Minas pov

I'm with izuku my friend, the one carrying my future nephew or neice, senseis lover, and overall the best person.
Were at the doctors and hes putting me in charge of the balloons so I need to know the gender.
I'm so excited I cant wait any longer for the doctor to come back with the gender.
"Hello I'm back with the results now who is taking it" the doctor says out of nowhere. "I will maam, thank you" I reply back to her politely.
I take it out her hand and slowly open the envelope and it's a ******!! OH MY GOD ITS A ****** EEEKKK I CANT WAIT FOR THE GENDER REVEAL!!

Alright calm down mina were at the doctors let's not freak out.. "alright you ready to go izuku" I say as calmly as I can.
"Yep and only you can see it. We need to start planning the gender reveal, call the store down the street to get the balloons set up" izuku responds back.

I forgot about that.. I hurry and walk out the hospital while izuku checks out. I have a little bit of time to call the shop.

The call

Mina: hello

???: hello how may I help you??

Mina: I need a confetti and glitter balloon for a baby shower.

???: okay what gender? For girls we have pink or purple. For boys we can use blue or green

Mina: the gender is ****** and the color ****** would be fine

???: alright! What day does it need to be done and picked up by??

Mina: I hope it's not to much if I come pick it up on november 14th

???: that's fine by me!! I'll have it ready by then anyways. Anything else?

Mina: do you guys have any ( unknown color) pacifiers and rattles??

???: we actually do, do you want some of those in the balloon to

Mina: yes please. On the rattles can you put "it's a ******" My name for the order is gonna be mina ashido

???: okay you can come pick it up november 14th as you planned!! Have a nice day

Mina: you too thank you!!

End of call

As soon as I got off the call izuku walked out and he drove us back to UA. We were gonna go plan the gender reveal together after the doctors so we are gonna go to my dorm and start.

(I cant say the gender yet so you'll have to wait just like izuku and aizawa🤭)

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