the plan to ask him out

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(Im just gonna use regular names now since I forgot the other ones-)

Pro hero gc

Izuku: guys I need help. Other then from aizawa and present mic.

Midnight: okay I'll make a groupchat

Nezu: alright

Shota: why not me?

Hizashi: damn I see how it is

Hawks: if it's about yk who I'm happy to help

Midnight added 3 people to the groupchat
Midnight changed the gc name to "aideku"

Midnight: what's this about??

Izuku: I wanna ask sho to be my boyfriend because we did kiss once although we never said it was official.

Nezu: 🍵🍵

midnight: YALL KISSED!?

izuku: yeah but I was thinking about getting him a necklace. What type of necklace should I get

Midnight: get one with both your initials on it

Hawks: make the initials ontop of a heart.

Nezu: you can also put colors, if so do both black and green!!

Izuku: okay thanks guys wish me luck...

Nezu: he will say yes I am sure.

Midnight: he wouldnt have kissed you if he didnt wanna date you.

Hawks: who even started the kiss

Izuku: him.. and we said I love you after..<3

Midnight: simp
Hawks: simp
Nezu: simp

Izuku: whatever. Should I bring him to the place of our first date and ask him there

Hawks: that would be so cutee

Midnight: you should ;)

Nezu: do it. I might just stalk yall and take some pictures too...

Izuku: Nezuuu

Nezu: just kidding.. kinda.. idk

Izuku: I'll send some pictures dw👀🙈

Midnight and hawks:💀💀me too

Izuku: ok so the plan is I'll wait until he falls asleep, sneak out, and get the necklace. Then come back and make it seem like I was asleep. Wakeup and bring him to the coffee shop, ask him and hopefully get a yes. Maybe take some pictures for yall too. Got it

(Yall I got some good ass drama coming soon with mic involved in hehe)

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