Pilgrimage of Dreams 13

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Duchess Kalea fiddles with the toy called ‘gun’ as was said by her daughter.

“Is this what little Ruru been working on that she forgot to eat meals and sleep?”

‘You don’t have to bring up that topic again’

Meir grumbles internally but she still obediently nods her head.

“A powerful force that does not need ether or source stone, interesting”

Duchess Kalea caresses her chin.

“My daughter has become so amazing while I was unaware”

She puts on a sad expression.

‘Mother focus on the gun topic, not on some weird hay wired mind’

Meir cast a glimpse of contempt at her mother but hides it well.

“If this ‘Gun’ is upgraded, the materials used are enhanced as well as using a more powerful runes, it will be enough to even harm those of higher level rank”

Lina chipped in.

“The best part is that it can be used by ordinary civilians as well”

Lina eyes sparkled but in front of the duchess, she contains her excitement.

Even ordinary civilians will have a means to protect themselves. Not everyone have the blessing of awakening ether like sorcerer, prana for warrior and talent to awaken qi to aura for swordsman.

“Yes, my daughter is amazing”

“Young miss is a genius”

“By the way” Duchess Kalea tilts her head, she raises her hand as she points at the ‘person’ standing behind Meir “That person has the same breath as my daughter, I have never seen her face before. I have personally arranged all the servants who serve my daughter, who are you?”

“Huh?” Lina have a confused expression before her expression became that of alert then morphed turning a bit pale.

Because the ‘person’ has the same breath as her young miss, Lina failed to perceive ‘her’. And as she was excited about the gun, she has paid no mind in checking the faces of people around the young miss when they came back at the manor.

She has erred.

Lina bit her lips.

This mistake is not acceptable.

“Mother, it’s not a person it is a jointed ball doll I crafted. I carve out of the Aranya wood, Doll 1, greets mother”

Meir explained hurriedly.

What if they attacked her well crafted doll and destroy it? Meir will definitely cry.

The jointed ball doll steps forward, putting on a humble expression and bow down.

“Doll 1 greets the Duchess”

The movement and the expression are flawless.

“Jointed ball dolls? How can it be so life like?”

Mina wonders in amazement.

The servants who were in the room gasp and have a surprised expression.

“Aranya wood? Aranya wood can only be carved with Indigo pureness and higher…”

Duchess Kalea was quick to catch on the key word. She is sharp.

“I have violet ether pureness…”

Meir mumbles, channeling her ether and showing the violet color ether.

When Meir shows her ether color, like a hornet nest been poke a bedlam seems to have broken out.

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