"Help! Somebody help!" Elena shouted, probably wasn't the best idea but she was desperate, and a series of footsteps were heard, making Elena let out a sigh of relief when a man and a woman had entered the room.

"What is it?" The woman with dark brown hair asked, striding towards the human pairs.

"What's wrong with her?" The man pointed at the breathless girl.

"I don't know. I couldn't hear, but she's in pain. Please help her!" Elena pled at the two strangers.

The woman crouched down, studying Everly, and frowned when she saw her grip on the fabric above her chest. She listened intently to her heart beat, weak and erratic. It seemed like their method of kidnapping was inappropriate.

"What's wrong with her heart?" The man asked, also noticing Everly's abnormal heartbeats.

"I don't know," Elena said, glancing between the woman and Everly.

"My name is Rose. How can we help you?" The woman asked, gently but firmly moved Everly from the ground to the couch.

"My....pill....." Everly said in between breaths, "I-it's.......gone......"

"Pills?" The man muttered and vamped out of the room, quickly grabbed the tiny white bottle in the corner of the trunk, and returned to the room, "Here."

Everly inhaled deeply and took out a pill, suppressing her hand's shakiness, and swallowed it down without hesitation. The others watched intently as she gradually loosened her wrinkled clothes, and listened closely to her weak irregular heartbeat arrived at its steady pace.

The trio simultaneously let out a sigh of relief, and Elena asked in concern, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Everly breathed out and glanced at her, "Thank you, Elena." Then diverted her gaze to Rose and the man who she didn't know the name of, "I don't know why you kidnapped me, but, thank you for saving my life."

"We don't actually want to kidnap you," The man interrupted and pointed at Elena, "We want her only. You're just collateral."

"..............Okay? That's reassuring...........I think?" Everly hesitated, not knowing if she should feel relieved or offended.

"What do you want with me?" Elena asked.

Rose stood up, finally took the time to study their doppelgänger and commented, "Oh my god, you look just like her."

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert, you don't have to do this."

"Be quiet," She ordered, her mind drifted to the contact number in her pocket, feeling a surge of anxiety for the forthcoming event that would sealed their fate.

"What do you want?" Elena pressed, making Everly to subtly tucked on her clothes as she noticed the growing annoyance on the short-hair woman's face.

"I said to be quiet," Rose snapped and slapped across Elena's face, rendered her unconscious. Everly managed to catch the brunette and met Rose's brown eyes with her startled ones.

"I see you are a better listener than your friend here," Her accent-laced voice said, returning Everly's gaze with calm ones, as if signaling her previous worry and kindness for the girl was a limited offer.

· ──── ·☼· ──── · 

"Her car is still here," Jeremy said while Damon and Stefan inspected the ground around the vehicle with a deep frown on his face.

"Elena's car keys and her phone," Damon picked up the items off the ground and flipped the smashed device offer, checking if the phone still worked.

"Elena and Everly? I didn't know they were friends," Jeremy commented as he glimpsed at the phone screen, her sister and Everly stood should-by-shoulder. The former had a tight lipped smile while the latter was beaming with a large smile on her face.

The younger Salvatore paused for a moment and said, "That's because this isn't Elena. It's Katherine."


"I don't know why, but they got Everly too."

"Or she is the one behind it," Damon said nonchalantly, looking around her phone, then frowned, "Probably not."

Stefan glanced at him, "What is it?"

"I mean, I wouldn't expect a kidnapper to have a MyCareLink Heart app on her phone......"He clicked on a random section of the dashboard and the screen flashed red, as an alarm ringing blasted from the phone's speaker, ".......And a dangerously fast heartbeat............Can anyone live with this heart rate?"

Stefan took over the phone, his eyebrows creasing deeply when he pressed on the physical activity section, "And she's not moving either."

"If it's not Everly, then who has my sister?" Jeremy questioned.

"Katherine. This has Katherine written all over it," Stefan stated.

"Katherine's in the tomb," Damon interrupted, "Trust me, I'm the one who shut her in."

"Did you?" Stefan stared at his brother in incredulity.

"Did I what, Stefan?"

" Well, I know the hold that Katherine has on you."

Damon seemed taken aback by his distrust, "She's in the tomb, period. End of story but she did say something to me right before I shut her in. I thought she was lying."

"What did she say?"

"Elena's in danger."

"What?" Stefan questioned in disbelief, "And you didn't think you should ask her to elaborate?"

"Everything she says is a lie. How am I supposed to know if she's gonna start spouting out the truth?" Damon threw his arms up.

"Are you guys going to stop arguing? We need to find my sister and Everly," Jeremy asked in annoyance.

The Salvatore fell into silence.

"We have to go talk to her," Stefan announced.

"No, no. Let me tell you how that's gonna go," Damon pushed Stefan back, ""We're gonna go ask her for help, she's gonna negotiate her release which we're gonna be dumb enough to give her and she's gonna get out and kill us! This is exactly what she wants!"

"I don't really care."

"It's a bad idea, Stefan."

"It's Elena."

[Completed] Everly-Rose [1] | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now