Truth Or Dare | only part

Start from the beginning

"So, this party. When do we have to be there?" I ask, and he takes his phone out of his pocket.

"Funny..ten minutes-"

"WHAT?" I yell, looking down at my clothes.

"You look fine! Just change into a Tee-shirt, and you're all good."

"I'm still bringing a hoodie, what if someone spills their nasty drink on me," I say, and Sapnap rolls his eyes.

"I'll be in the car, Gogs. Hurry up," Sapnap replies, grabbing the car keys, and his wallet. Walking to his car.


I go up to my room, searching through my shirts. Finding a black tee-shirt, and pulling my hoodie off. Putting the clean shirt on.

I look in the mirror, brushing my hair with my fingers. Attempting to make it look nice.

"Okay, no. I'm changing my pants," I mumble to myself. Searching through my drawer full of pants. Only having one pair of jeans, which are black, and baggy.

I've never worn them, I usually wear sweatpants. But if I want Dream to pay any attention to me tonight, I need to look good.

I suck in a breath through my mouth, and change into the jeans. Looking at myself in the tall mirror I have placed near my closet.

"Okay, whatever. They're fine.." I whisper, putting my black converse on, and grabbing a random hoodie out of my closet. Before leaving my room, to go to Sapnap's car.

I get into the passenger seat to his car, and he looks up at me. Studying my outfit for a minute. That felt awfully long.

"George, you look amazing. You should wear jeans more often," Sapnap compliments, instead of making fun of me.

" drive, we're gonna be late enough as is." I say, the click of my seat belt sounding soon after.

"Alright, on it," he says, putting the car on reverse, and letting go of the brakes slowly, before picking up his right foot and placing it on the gas. Slowly pressing his foot down, and turning onto the street.

He then switches the car to drive, and presses onto the gas petal more. Driving of to the house, the party takes place in.


Sapnap finds a place on the side of the road to park his car, and I look out the window. Almost regretting my decision of coming along to this party, when I see around ten people standing outside of the door, to the large house.

I wait for sapnap to open his own door, and as soon as he does. I open mine, not wanting to seem nervous.

I've went to many parties with people before. The nervous feeling just never goes away. I've never really enjoyed parties, I'm really hoping this one is different.

Sapnap walks in front of me, holding the door open for me. Staying besides me until we find some of our friends.

Sapnap spots Karl, and Wilbur. Walking over to the two of them.

"Sapnap! There you are, you're late," Wilbur says, looking at Sapnap, then at me, "George, you came along as well? How'd you convince him Sapnap?" Wilbur asks, laughing hysterically, as he is clearly drunk.

"He always goes to parties if I ask him, I am just amazing at convincing," he smirks, feeling full of himself.

But I was soon left alone, as Wilbur left to speak to Niki, and Sapnap was pulled away by Karl.

I huff, rolling my eyes, and walking around the house. Trying to find someone I know.

"George! Over here," a familiar voice calls from behind me, and I find Dream pushing through a crowd of people. Trying to walk over to me.

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