Chapter Two: The Sorcerer

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The next morning, Alden woke up early to start his work day with Len. He put on his clothes and nudged a sleeping Barnaby with his finger.

Alden- Wake up. You're going with me today.

Barnaby squealed exhaustively and buried his face into the pallet of small, mouse sized blankets he was sleeping in.

Alden- Last time I left you here alone, you ate almost a whole basket of bread

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Alden- Last time I left you here alone, you ate almost a whole basket of bread. Come on.

Barnaby stood on his hind legs and stretched before scurrying onto Alden's shoulder. Alden walked out of his room and towards the kitchen. He walked over and picked a muffin out of a basket on the table. He broke off a piece and gave it to Barnaby as Len walked into the kitchen.

Len- Alden, did you steal something in Typhos yesterday?

Alden had completely forgotten about the wand. He wondered how his father knew about it.

Alden- No, not exactly.

Len- Not exactly?

Alden- I bumped into a man and he dropped it. Barnaby picked it up but I tried to give it back but he was gone. I was going to go look for him today after we got done in the forest.

Len- Well... You don't have to look for him. He's here for you.

Alden's stomach dropped. The thought of that man seeking out his home was slightly terrifying. Alden hesitantly made his way to the front door. Standing inside was the man from yesterday. Still as stoic as before.

Man- Ah, there you are. You have something of mine.

Len stepped into the room and handed the wand to the man.

Len- It was in his room. I am terribly sorry for this mistake. I didn't quite catch your name?

Man- It's Cassius Saurel. You are?

Len- I'm Len Finnick and this is my son Alden.

Cassius- Are you aware that you have a rat on your shoulder, Alden?

Alden- Oh, that's my pet Mouse. His name is Barnaby.

Barnaby stuck his tiny hand out for a handshake. Cassius stared at Barnaby without engaging.

Cassius- I've really got to get going. Thanks for giving this back to me.

Len- Wait just a moment, how can we make this up to you?

Cassius- Returning this wand to me is enough. Thank you.

Len- I'm sorry but that just won't settle. Alden has to learn a lesson from this. I insist that he accompany you for the day to aid in whatever business you have today.

Alden- What about work?

Len- This is your work today. I insist.

Cassius sighed before motioning for Alden to follow. Alden looked at his dad before slowly walking out of the house with Cassius. Len waved goodbye as he shut the door. Alden trailed behind Cassius as they made their way through Mirrik.

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