4. Putting on a show

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I update 12 hours early

I guess you can say I was excited ;)

1 week later


I hadn't seen him since Bea's party, I didn't have a need to but tonight that would change. There were a few articles and tmz reports on the Mysterious English bandmate that came out of nowhere and the up and coming model dissapearing at a party together, but those claims have zero evidence or ground to stand on so ive been allowing them to die down. It seems Harry has done the same being that he also hadn't responded to the claims of our "relationship". Bea told me that Niall and the boys had teased him on the subject but that he brushed it off.

I don't know if me being at their release party would fuel or kill the rumors about me and him but maybe our lack of interaction would give them the answers they needed.

I didn't like harry like that. I don't know him well enough. Hes a quiet guy, funny and kind... but quiet. we had a few on the surface conversations in the bathroom but nothing too deep. I learned where he grew up, he has a sister but other than that he was just another guy in the band. id write him off as an acquaintance, nothing more.

"Ma'am were pulling up to the carpet in 5 minutes." The driver I was assigned informs me as we pull closer to the venue. I was in the car with my personal stylist Nat, publicist and my manager.

The band had put me on the high priority guest list so I had a vehicle that transported me to and from the event. This guest list had scheduled times that we were to arrive for the red carpet. it was a press thing, I didn't mind, I reached out to my manager Will and turns out he had already been in contact with the band about the collaboration for the event. Since the press around me and Harry the stats on my social media had gone up by 10%, so we decided to slightly play into the whole love interest thing, key word being slightly.

"It wouldn't hurt, and if theres anything fans love, its to believe that they've figured out a secret couple and fantasize about the unknown." Will said at our meeting following my invitation to the event. I agreed, I didn't like the attention, mostly the paparazzi but for now it was doing me some good.

I could hear the screams as the fans watched a black suv approach. They probably thought I was the band. It felt nice being to a "laid back" event I wasn't necessarily apart of. like it was just for fun.

"How are we feeling H?" Will asks me as we pull to the curb of the sidewalk. there was more to that question than what he was asking me. What he meant was you're not feeling a panic attack coming on are you? and my honest answer was no. I was fine. It felt like a game right now. This was one of the funner parts of my job.

"All good over here Willy." I Joke to prove my wellness. He nods and signals for the driver to unlock the car.

As soon as the door opens a smile is displayed across my face. The fans cheer and shout as camera lights and photographers call for me. Im careful with my foot placement as I don't want to fall, that would humble me real quick.

I enjoy the rush of red carpets, its live, honest, and a way to connect to fans and the rest of the world. I was wearing a white corset dress. it was short and sparkled with a slit on my right thigh. my skin peaked through the lace material that covered my stomach and my hair was curled slightly.

"We're walking." Will said in my ear instructing me where to go. I followed and made my way along the carpet. i dedicated my attention past the photographers as I walked and more towards the fans that were pressed up against the railing that separated them and us.

Because it was just me they're were not as wild. I was cheered and call for but moderately.

"Hazen! over here!" flash.

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