10. Something, Somewhat, Somehow

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This one's short but it's good... For us maybe not for Harry... hehe


"She's down the hall from me right now Niall." My phone is on speaker as im answering a few emails at the desk provided in the suite Im in.

Its very nice which also means it's very expensive... and im the one paying for it. I don't think I'll ever be used to having this much money. To not think on a budget. And then I wonder what I could use the money for...and I quickly ignore that thought because it could destroy my career.

"Do you like her?" Niall asks.

"No I don't like her." I annoyingly respond.

"Well then why are you complaining so much? It's just Haze." He answers with his usual attitude.

He says it like I'm supposed to know what just haze means.
The just Haze I experienced on the plane today freaked out for more than just the heights. Something deep was hurting her and I seemed to make it somewhat okay somehow.

I'd say it was disturbing, the way I felt completely connected to her in that moment. My heart was beating so fast seeing her copy my breathing to try and relax. Little did she know I too was trying not to have a panic attack just from looking at her for so long.
And her eyes. God her eyes, they were like a portal to her soul and it was filled with anger, fire, charcoal and life all at the same time.

But that was just a simple observation I'm sure others have seen too.
That's why people love her so much.

"I'm not complaining she's just been thrown at me by management and I don't know. It's just, she's everywhere." I say trying to make sense of what's been happening lately. Cause it was weird.

There's no way this is normal.

"Mate, Haze is harmless, she's used to the press. Trust me." He says knowingly.

"I don't even think she likes men if that's what your worried about." Liam is in the background obviously eavesdropping.

My attention snaps down to my phone.

"Why would you bring that up Liam?"

"Look we all know you're anti sex. You got your heart broken really bad and won't talk to us much about it. But I've never seen Haze with any guy. She's not the sex type. It's quite weird actually."

I hear various whispers on the other side of the line telling Liam to shut up about it.

"Not everyone wants sex Liam." I say coldly.

They don't get what I mean.

"Look Harry, what Payno here means is that she won't try and fuck you. She's not the tempting type. He tried." Louis speaks up.

"For fucks sake! I didn't know I was on the phone with the whole band Niall, did you loop in the producers too?"

"No..." Niall responds a little too slowly.

"Oh bloody hell Niall, I'm hanging up!"

I press the red button before they could object.

I wonder if Zayn was there, because he knows her best but he didn't speak up so I'm guessing he was off doing other things. He rarely comes to rehearsals but he's there when we need him to be.

Shaking off the thoughts of the band and the situation with Haze I try and clear my mind to get back to these emails before I have to leave for the meetings I'm in with the label later today.

We each get flown out to discuss our needs and goals for the band. Since forming we've put in place rules that allow us to maintain our desired images and hopes for more than just the band.

To allow us to grow.

Since my career was at a standstill, it was possibly over for good if it wasn't for the band. it was a dark time for me, and she made none of it better. But she's gone now... and I'm fearing, hoping that a certain little redhead down the hall is trying to take her place.

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