Chapter 19: From Despair to Love

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As Twilight relaxes, the door opens and Celestia enters the room.

Twilight Sparkle: "Princess Celestia, what are you doing here?" She asked her mentor.

Princess Celestia: "Twilight, there's a favourite I ask of you."

Twilight Sparkle: "What is it?" She asks as Celestia takes out a letter.

Princess Celestia: "I want you to go to the Human World and deliver this letter to Sunset Shimmer."

Twilight Sparkle: "Who's the letter from?"

Princess Celestia: "Sunset's parents." She revealed which made Twilight's eyes widen.

Twilight Sparkle: "Her parents! The same ones who neglected and abandoned her." She said a little angry.

Princess Celestia: "Twilight, I know your not happy with them after you learned how poorly they treated their daughter but this letter is important and it will tell Sunset what happened to them while she was gone."

Twilight Sparkle: "What happened to them? What exactly happened to Sunset's parents?" She asked, only looked to see Celestia's face in sadness which made her eyes widen and gasp. "You mean..."

Princess Celestia: "Yes Twilight and that's why Sunset needs that letter, they wrote it and gave it to me and asked if I ever saw Sunset again, they want me to give them the letter if they are no longer around. The letter contains evidence to let Sunset know her parents truly care about her so please, Twilight, deliver the letter to Sunset so she knows the truth about her parents." She asked of Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: "Okay, I will go to the Human World and deliver the letter to Sunset Shimmer."

Princess Celestia: "Thank you Twilight, this means a lot." She said with a smile.

Twilight Sparkle: "Your welcome Princess Celestia, I just need to let my friends know I'm going to the Human World."

Princess Celestia: "Leave that to me Twilight, you go to the Human World."

Twilight Sparkle: "Very well then, I just hope Sunset will be okay when she receives the news." She said and walks off to the crystal mirror while Celestia looks out a window.

Princess Celestia: "Sunset Shimmer...I hope you can forgive your parents once you read that letter." She said.

Human World

It's an Friday afternoon and Sunset Shimmer is in her home, looking through her mail until she reads a letter that makes her sigh.

Sunset Shimmer: "This isn't good...I can only pay rent for one more month and that's it."

When Sunset first came to the Human World and learned everything she needed to, she needed a place to stay and when she first entered the Human World, she had a bag with her and in that bag were a few gems and jewellery which she sold for a ton of cash. Sunset then used that money to rent an apartment, get some clothes, food and everyday household items for her apartment but now she's low on money and can only pay rent for one more month before she has to move out.

Sunset Shimmer: "Maybe I should get a job but where could I get one?"

In your house, you were in your room, at a table while making three ruby pendants from broken pieces.

F/N: "There we go, good as new." You said as you finished making the pendants.

After the Battle of the Bands, you picked up the pieces of the Dazzlings' destroyed pendants and decided to fix them back up but they wouldn't have any magic in them.

F/N: "If I see the Dazzlings again, I will give them their pendants and ask why they did those terrible things." You said to yourself until you heard a knock at the door.

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