You picked Zym up, both of you uncomfortable with the situation.

Rayla: Well, get a good look, because we're heading back to Xadia to return him to his mother.

You've lost track about who they were talking about. Was it Zym or you? Maybe both?

Callum: Rayla's right. We can't go home yet. The mission is too important. The other man, Soren was it? He was looking at his knife for a second too long.

Soren: You all do need to come home . . . because the king, your dad, really misses you.

Callum and Ezran looked elated, knowing the king was safe. You gave Rayla a worried look, she was glaring at Soren.

You all were standing inside Callum and Ezran's room. Ezran, Zym, Ellis, and Ava were elsewhere.

Rayla: We can't trust them.

Callum: Look, I get it. You don't like Claudia. She tried to kill you multiple times. But remember, until today, she thought you were trying to hurt me and Ezran.

Y/n: I don't like them. They make me uncomfortable.

You sit down to the right of Callum, Rayla comes to sit on his left.

Rayla: Y/n isn't happy with this situation. I know they're lying. I know, because . . . Well, because--

Claudia: Knock, knock.

Callum goes off with Claudia, you and Rayla stay behind. You're still uncomfortable and have your knees up to your chest, your wings wrapped tightly around you.

Rayla: Are you okay?

You don't respond, only bury your face into your knees. Rayla sighs. She comes over and hugs you, surprising you. You hug her back, grateful for the comfort. You fall asleep.

You wake up about an hour later to find Rayla gone. You get up and leave the room. Ezran's standing outside the door with Zym.

Ezran: Hey, Y/n! Soren set up this Zipline outside, do you wanna come?

Y/n: Huh? Oh, sure.

Ezran: Yes!

You three make your way over to the Zipline. Soren's there fiddling with the rope. He gestures for Ezran to sit on the hanging seat he made, connected to the Zipline. Ezran does so, with Zym in his hands.

Ezran: So you just zip across this line?

Soren: Exactly. I call it the Slidey-Sling Go-Fast Rope!

Ezran: That is a good name.

Y/n: Is this really safe? I don't want Ezran or Zym to get hurt.

Soren: I'll show you. It's fine.

He runs up to the rope and uses his sheathed sword to hang on and he slides down to the other side. He yells over to us.

Soren: That was the best!

Ezran: Okay, Zym, this is your chance to see what flying feels like. Yeah!

He slides down the rope on the chair, cheering. Zym cheers with him.

Ezran: Whoo! Yeah! Whoa!

Soren stops him before he hits the tree. Soren yells up to you.

Soren: Now it's your turn, Y/n!

You're nervous, but decide to go anyway. You pull out your bow and detach the string, placing it in your pocket. Using the rest of the bow to stay attached to the rope, you slide down.

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