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The Engineer couldn't manage a fake smile. So he opted for a neutral scowl. Shouting didnt seem like a safe option, tempting as it was.

Dark cloaked programs flitted around the shop, overturning tables and breaking things. The Mods remaining in the shop looked furious. Grace had powered up her arm and was shouting insults. Her whole frame glowing pink with rage. She was flanked by several of the Mods she'd finished fixing just micros prior. They too seemed ready to start a brawl.

Snobol stood at his shoulder, and though he didn't turn to look at her he could feel chilly air rolling off her arms. A fight was about to break start. And unfortunately, the forces of the chop shop were outnumbered two to one.

He yelled at the tallest of the interlopers. "Algol, I wasn't aware you'd asked permission to come on my territory. I must have missed your message"

This silenced the Mods and made the gang of invaders still.

The tallest figure turned, revealing unnatural dark clothes with not a single light line in sight. He was little more than a shadow in the dim interior of the shop. Only a faint gray glow was visible under his hood.

"I cannot leave a transgression unanswered. Even if it is committed by one of my dear friends" His flanged voice was quiet, yet it seemed to creep into every corner of the shop. Like smoke floating along the ground.

The Engineer clenched his fists, longing to load a taser charge.

"Transgression? That's a big word. You know I'm a simple working program. I cant be expected to keep up with every crazy idea that crosses your circuits"

A hissing chuckle came from the shadowy program. He threw back his hood. The Mod Boss flinched at the sight of his face. It was unnerving to say the least.

Splintered light lines were carved into his render. Their gray glow threw off the shadows around his face and made it nearly impossible to decipher his expression. The worst bit was his eyes though. Completely white, blank. It was a wonder he could see at all.

"There are no secrets in Purgos. At least not ones that last. Did you truly think we wouldn't find out about the outsiders you're harboring?"

The Engineer crossed his arms and squinted.

"I think you might need a defrag Algol. Cause that's a pretty unhinged accusation"

The shadowy program made no motion, but his followers spread out to his flanks, the flapping of their cloaks the only sound they made. When their crowd dispersed he saw another program behind them.


The Mod behind Algol sputtered "I swear I told the truth Commander, I saw the outsiders come in here. It was the same ones that attacked us. They're here to try to overthrow the General!!"

The Mod Boss barely contained a snarl.

Snobol had far less restraint "You fragging glitch-filled piece of..."

The Engineer cut her off by throwing an arm in front of her chest. He shook his head once. She grunted in her throat but kept glaring daggers at the Mod behind Algol and his devotees.

Seeing as how Griss need only show his disc to confirm his statement the Engineer figured they were pretty much fragged. He had to keep trying to talk their way out if this if he could "Fine, yes there were outsiders here. I derezzed them for stepping on my turf. But seeing as how my shop is none of your business Algol I really don't see why you're still here" He lied through his teeth.

Algol cocked his head "How interesting, and did you ever find out their identity?"

The Engineer shrugged "They didn't care to introduce themselves"

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