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Sam tapped his baton against his leg. This plan was certainly risky. But no matter how he looked at it he couldn't really see a better way to go about it.

He cast his eyes around the empty space where they hid. The plan was simple.

As soon as Beck made an appearance, Sam, Brace and Reeve would incapacitate any guards he had with him. Tron would hit the former renegade, knock him down so Quorra could apply the tagger.

It had been a hot minute since Sam had ridden in a light jet, and he hadn't even been piloting that other one. But he would have to make do.

Jet's upbeat voice crackled over their internal coms announcing that the Jolly Tricksters had started their distraction. It would be another five-ish minutes.

Sam stopped his pacing and waited in the window of the abandoned building. This structure was currently under construction after it had sustained some damage, likely from a fight with the revolution judging from the blast marks.

If at all possible, they would drive Beck in here to contain him more easily.

They waited.

And nothing happened.

"I'm not seeing anything. You guys?" Jet asked.

"Nothing" Sam said grimly, potential other plans starting to spin through his mind. He didn't like having to change the plan so much on the spot.

Then Jet came back over the net, making Sam's stomach settle uneasily.

"Hey, we're gonna hit em with the old razzle dazzle. Five more minutes"

"Jet! What are you doing?"

"It's an alternative distraction. Don't worry Sam" Jet said.

"You better know what you're doing" Sam growled. He looked to the ISO and the programs who were all giving him concerned looks. Except for Tron, his white bullet shaped helmet making Sam a tad uncomfortable with its similarity to Rinzler's.

"Jet says they're gonna adjust the distraction. Another five minutes"

So they waited, then a rattling roar started to echo across the buildings. After a few moments it started to sound

Quorra cocked her head "Is that....Kickstart my Heart by Motley Crue?" She asked.

Sam gave her a perplexed look.

"How do you not know what Tranformers is but you do know who Motley Crue is?"

Quorra shrugged "I like Jet's music. He shared some with me"

Sam sighed "Of course". He listened harder and a screeching voice came along with the oppressively loud guitar music .Jet was doing the vocals too. Well, if anything would draw a response from Dyson, this would definitely be it.

Below them, Black Guards started to scurry towards the sound of the disturbance. And on the horizon, Sam saw a small party of light Jets shoot out of the command building.

"Show time!" Sam barked snapping his helmet into place and holding his light jet at the ready. He watched the small group of jets approaching.

"" he said, jumping off the side of the building. The programs with him jumped off at almost the same moment. Synchronizing their movement with him.

Their one-man light jets roared to life beneath them and they shot towards the oncoming programs from almost directly below. Sam figured that the program in the center of the formation was their target. So he aimed for the one on the left. He drew his disc and shot straight upwards, right in front of his target's nose, his disc slicing through the front of the light jet, making it shatter.

Tron: DeliveranceWhere stories live. Discover now