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Dyson stared out at Argon when the alert came through.

"Sir, three checkpoints have been vandalized within the last ten micros. We suspect the programs responsible are still in the district. Shall we hunt them down?" One of his elite guards locked into place behind him. Dyson could feel the guard's tense shoulders through his passive sensors without needing to look. He was afraid his Commander would be angry and that such anger would result in pain.

Normally such news would make the Dyson's processes grind with annoyance. But not this cycle. He was in a good mood.

"Send an extra squad to take care of it" He flicked his fingers, not turning to look.

"Yes, Supreme Commander" The guard said, then rushed out.

Another presence entered the chamber. A sharp and dangerous presence. Rage and malignant intent just barely contained.

Dyson smiled "You have news for me Ronin?"

There was no verbal answer, but he didn't expect one. Dyson turned to the shadowy presence of his right hand. Silently the program stalked up to him, then drew one of his discs, calling up a memory file. He played the file swiftly, then holstered the disc, going into an at ease position to wait for his orders.

Dyson chuckled easily, the contents of the memory file only brightened his already good mood. His private initiative was going well.

"So, I take it the delivery systems for the pathogenic code are being installed on schedule?"

Ronin gave a sharp nod, his dark helmet glinting.

Dyson turned back towards the bay window of his chamber, the lights of Argon shining in their day-cycle.

"Very good, the data from the test subjects is impeccable. Once we spread the code, further resistance from common programs will be snuffed out. Fly back to Purgos and oversee the process. This is your top priority"

Then, the floor below him began to rattle slightly. He pushed his passive sensors out but found no threats. What was that?
"Sir" a guard hustled into the room and saluted "There has been a disturbance in Argon Square"

"This is ridiculous. Ronin, go take care of it. The fly straight to Argon"

"You, take your team and go with him" Dyson ordered the guard.

Commander Ronin snapped a nod then left silently with the guard on his heels.

Dyson was sure whatever the disturbance was would be met with Ronin's silent malice. He had not removed his helmet in many cycles. And he had not spoken since his repurposing. It made him somewhat dreary company. But Dyson supposed he preferred the silence to the mouthy renegade he had met all those cycles ago when he and CLU had hunted Tron and his wretched protégé though the streets of Argon.

He frowned, the memory file pressing itself to the front of his process unbidden and unwelcome


Dyson stood in the central chamber of CLU's throne ship, his hands clenched behind his back to stop them trembling.

"Tell me Dyson" CLU said in his deceptively calm voice, the one he used when someone was about to get derezzed "Did you capture the renegade?"

"No, CLU. I had him, but there was another rebel in play. They interfered and my guard lost them both"

"Now that's just fascinating. Everywhere you go Dyson, more rebels seem to leap out of the Gridwork" CLU fixed him with a chilling smile, gliding towards him "But I trust you man" CLU slapped him on the shoulder and guided him towards the sound barrier at the front of the ship. Dyson realized that the glass of the bay window hadn't yet been reinstalled since the renegade had blown it out earlier in that cycle. It had been an attempt to assassinate CLU. At least that's what they suspected. CLU steered him towards the very edge, gesturing out at Argon with the hand that didn't have a hold on Dyson's shoulder.

"Now, I'm gonna give you one more chance to find Tron. Its really all I want from this city. I'm sure if you really apply yourself you'll figure something out"

Dyson nodded jerkily. "I wont fail again"

CLU patted his shoulder "I know you wont!" He said warmly then leaned in, his voice cool "Don't forget to catch the wing chute by the way"

"What?" Dyson started. Then CLU shoved him through the sound barrier, and he plummeted through the clouds. He yelled as he spun in the free fall. Then, a glint of orange fell out of the ship above him. Dyson spread his arms and legs to slow his fall and reached for the chute that fell almost even with him.


Tron was beaten.

The renegade was defeated.

Dyson allowed himself a fierce smile as he watched the repurposing unit finish its work. The floating disc sunk back towards its program.

CLU spread his arms wide.

"Now isn't this just something! Pretty elegant if I do say so myself" He gestured towards the younger program, whose eyes and lines now glowed a steady orange "What do you think of your new second-in command Dyson?"

"I am sure he will suffice" Dyson said noncommittally.

CLU snickered "Oh I have no doubt you'll need the help. Argon is your bag now. You'll be wanting the extra hands"

Dyson's core went cold, his frame froze "What do you mean CLU? I thought I was to return to the Capitol after we acquired Tron?" He managed to bite out, the System Administrator suddenly had that same deadly smile on his face. Like one misstep would leave Dyson in cubes on the ground.

"Ah Dyson, you really let me down with all those botched missions to catch Tron. I ended up having to snag him myself! Write my own virus to bring him back. Such a simple solution" He strolled up to the tube that still held the program in question. Tron had not moved. He would not move until given his new directives. CLU tapped on the glass a few times with the tips of his fingers while Dyson tried to stay completely still.

"Of course your plan succeeded CLU. But I doubt you really need me to get Argon under control. Im sure Tesler.."

"Tesler is going to Purgos. This city was practically in flames under his command. He even lost his best commander to the rebels. No, he needs some time in the garbage heap to consider how to become more useful. And Pavel will be returning to the city with me. With that strength enhancing software Id like to study him more closely. So that leaves the seat in Argon nice and warm for you"

"But CLU"

"Come on Dyson. Did you really think there wouldn't be consequences when you fail? Look at this as a chance to develop. Tesler's not the only one who needs to consider how to be useful to me"

Dyson couldn't even spit out his protests, he was frozen in place under CLU's deadly gaze. He was only able to unlock his joints when CLU turned away, towards the unit that held the young renegade.

"They'll both need new names. They've practically been rewritten after all. I'm thinking...Ronin for this guy" He then glided back to Tron's tank "And for you old friend, I'm thinking Rinzler. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?"

Dyson clenched his fists but stayed silent, his systems churning with denial and frustration.


Rinzler, he hated the sound of that name. And CLU hadn't returned to relieve him of his duty in Argon. Even when he had begun build up his private initiative. CLU had started pulling Dyson's forces away to build some kind of invasion force. And Dyson had had to start repurposing common programs to make up the difference.

CLU had left with his invasion force several cycles ago. And the silence was growing disquieting. But Dyson was sure the System Administrator would return and when he did Argon would be under his complete control. Tesler's old program for pathogenic code had been flawed. But Dyson knew he and his source had finally cracked it. Now, all that was left was to deliver the final blow.

Tron: DeliveranceWhere stories live. Discover now