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Sam rubbed the bridge of his nose as he looked over the lines of depurposing tubes. The last day or so had felt like a month. But part of that might be the sheer number of programs he had interacted with. He thought dealing with the mechanics had been tiring when they found out he was a user. That got multiplied by several thousand when he introduced himself as Kevin Flynn's son to the programs of Argon.

He'd been tempted to just hide his identity and avoid the whole dog and pony show but Alan had put his foot down.

Every program in the city knew that Uncle Alan was a user. It was kind of hard to hide when he looked and acted so much like Tron. And the programs seemed willing enough to listen to the older man. But Alan had been adamant that Sam take charge.

"They're your dad's programs Sam. I'm certainly not going to tell them what to do" He had said gruffly.

Sam sighed at the memory. He had been tempted to put up more of an argument on the topic. But the older programmer looked plain horrible after pulling that stunt with the firewall software. Sam had agreed to announce his identity if Alan agreed to go take a nap. Which Lora had advocated for...in a stern and slightly threatening way.

Now he and Quorra were marching through a spacious and brightly lit garage with Tron's security team on their tail. A couple light choppers hung from the roof and light cycles in various states of disrepair dotted the floor. But the bulk of the space was taken with several hundred depurposing chambers in progress. Zed commandeered a host of healing chambers from the medic programs and gotten to work modifying them into repurposing units, using the mechanics from Mara's garage as his workforce.

The head mechanic's cerulean hair bobbed as she jogged up to them.

"User Sam Flynn! User Quorra! Here to see the status of the units?" her smile was bright and unblinkingly sincere. He was slightly relieved to see that she seemed more comfortable talking to him than most of the programs he'd spoken to that day. She was open, even friendly. Some people-er-programs were just the happy types he supposed.

"If you've got a minute to walk us through your progress that'd be great. Alan put a heck of a lot of power into that firewall pulse but we're estimating we've got just under a cycle before its gonna start running out. We'll have to put most of the security programs into some kind of containment when that happens"

Mara nodded brusquely "Well the good news is you can start cycling programs through immediately. We have about thirty units up and running. Zed is just putting the final touches on them"

She gestured for the Sam and company to follow as she lead him towards a line of pods.

"How quickly can you depurpose a program with these?" Quorra asked.

"Hmm depends on their repurposing type. Thirty minutes for the more elaborate forms of repurposing, less than that for the earliest forms"

Quorra and Mara started discussing the numbers, running calculations on how many of the security programs they could run through the process before time started to run out. Relief started to wash through Sam as they talked. If nothing unexpected happened, they would be able to get all the recently firewalled programs through the process before they reverted.

He turned to the three security programs behind him.

Tron had wanted to send them with a larger detail, but they simply couldn't trust the rest of the security programs until they had been fully free of CLU's influence.

"Hey Reeve, can you let Tron know to start sending groups of firewalled programs this way?"

"Sure thing. How many and at what intervals?" Reeve asked gamely.

Tron: DeliveranceWhere stories live. Discover now