Series 1: Episode 4

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In which the Atlanta group heads for the CDC and Frankie has to cope with the loss of his dad.


Frankie Laurier had never experienced loss like this before. In a world Like this it's bound to happen sooner or later ; however Frank thought he had a little longer. His father was one of them people that you can't imagine ever being without, and now that the worse had come to play he was struggling.

The group was heading towards the CDC, in hopes to cure Jim who was bitten the previous night, and in hopes to finally find some peace.

The 12 year old didn't care where they went, he just wanted to be away from that camp. He didn't feel safe there anymore.

"Alright everyone listen up. Those of you with CB's, we're gonna be on channel 40. Let's keep the chatter down though okay?" Shane spoke "Now you got a problem, don't have a CB, can't get a signal or anything at all, you gonna hit your horn one time. That'll stop the caravan. Any questions?"

Frankie stood next to Glenn facing the floor, he didn't want to speak with his brother or mom. Just looking at his remaining family caused a wave of grief to overcome him.

The boy twirled his curly black hair in his hands, something he normally did to comfort himself.

"We're uh.. we're not going." Morales stuttered.

Frankie perked his head up at this. "We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with our people."

The youngest Laurier bit the inside of his cheek, he wanted to be home, but he didn't get that luxury. His home was literally an ocean away. Instead of making a scene, crying or anything like that he just stormed off into the car that he was going in.

Since his mom wanted to go with Shane, and brother in the RV with Glenn and Dale he decided to go with the Grimes family (as well as Carol and Sophia).

He spent most of the journey gazing out of the window ignoring the odd chatter that would circle around the vehicle.

Eventually the RV broke down however Frankie stayed in the car. Relishing the peaceful silence that was granted once everyone had left to discover the problem. The 12 year old grabbed his bag and scavenged around it looking for the book he was reading once he found it and opened to the page he left off at a note fell onto his lap.

He knit his eyebrows in confusion and unfolded the piece of paper.

Sorry for leaving and not saying goodbye Frank. When I get back we can talk about everything that has happened today. Left this here because I know you'll open this book eventually.
Love from Dad 

It was brief, short, something he must've slipped in his book before leaving because of the argument they had.

Frankie stared at it in his hand glaring at the letter like it just talked to him. Drops of water begun to fall onto the crumbled page, the boy brought a hand to his eyes to wipe away the tears.

Because he realized that they never did discuss what happened. They left their relationship on a sour note, the fact he didn't get to say goodbye left a hole in his heart that nothing could ever fill.

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