Series 1: Prologue

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In which Frankie Laurier experiences terror for the first time. The first time of many times to come.

 The first time of many times to come

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Thats all he had been doing for the past god knows how long. One moment everything was fine, he was laughing with his brother as they drove towards Atlanta and the next everything was chaos. Pure chaos.

Frankie had never felt fear like it. Sure that one time he was scared to tell his older brother that he had broke his PlayStation but that couldn't compare to the heart racing, blood pumping true fear he was experiencing.

The fear that has you so scared you can hardly breathe let alone make any kind of movement. That's why Jayden was dragging him along the road as they both ran. Ran as far as they could not looking back.


The Laurier family had arrived in the USA just days prior to the breakout. Everyone (bar Frankie) was enjoying their vacation thoroughly. Frankie hated it though. He hated how people questioned him on his accent. He hated the food. He most of all hated how busy the city was.

Yes he was born and raised in a city however the streets in the US were bustling with people polluting the air with noise and smells that made the boys nose scrunch up in disgust. Jayden had called him a 'stuck up cunt' for thinking such things but Frankie shrugged it off. He didn't care, he liked what he liked and America just was not it.

The four were stuck in traffic along a very narrow road. It seemed to have gone on for miles the youngest of them was playing with his slim fingers nervously trying his best to take his mind off of what was going on outside the car. His parents were arguing about what to do as there was no way to go forwards or backwards without abandoning their car, and the teen sitting next to Frankie stared out of the window gazing at the people outside who looked just as confused as him.

Soon enough Frankie was pulled from his thoughts when a hand tapped his shoulder. He looked to his left and saw his older brother putting on the best smile he could in a situation like this "We're going to be okay Frank, you know that right?"

He slowly nodded and turned his eyes back to his hands. He heard a sigh next to him and some shuffling before a comic was placed in his lap. "Find yourself something to do instead of staring at your hands like you want to rip them off."

Frankie chuckled slightly and picked up the comic opening it. Suddenly his father turned around in his seat to his sons in the back "listen im going to find out what's going on you stay here with your mother okay?"

His mum wasn't looking at any of them. She had her eyes glued to the car infront of them. She looked completely out of it.

Jayden nodded in response and the two older men looked towards Frankie he briefly glanced up at them and slightly nodded his head. His father left the car leaving the rest of the family to sit there in silence.

The raven haired boy turned his head to look out of the window where he saw five people conversing. A brown haired woman, a tall man standing next to her, two kids and a shorter woman with a shaved head. Soon after muttering a few words the two adults standing next to eachother left and went in the same direction his father went off to leaving just the two kids and woman.

He continued to stare out of the window for some reason not able to take his eyes off the two kids. They looked around his age, one had brown hair so Frankie assumed he was the woman's kid but the other had shorter blonde hair. Maybe they were siblings? Friends?

Frankie had no idea why but he wanted to go and talk to them. He needed someone to take his mind off of what was going on and the comic wasn't cutting it. His brother wasn't either. Soon enough the boy and Frankie made eye contact, maintaining it a moment before he shook his head and turned back to his comic. The boy blinked confused and turned back to the blonde girl sitting next to him.

Suddenly they heard deafening explosions erupt from the direction of the city. Frankie's head shot up and he begun to breathe heavily. His brother swiftly exited the car causing the younger boy to follow suit. He climbed on top of the car (mirroring his sibling's actions) to see smoke bellowing from building that once stood tall in Atlanta.

It was at that moment it dawned on Frankie. The world would never be the same again, and he was never going home.


The Laurier family ran through the woods leaving their car and most of their belongings behind. Mark Laurier (his dad) had a backpack on him filled with clothes and Frankie had his messenger bag full of his comics, books and notebooks. He had his priorities.

The family had grouped together with two other ones who just so happened to contain the boy he was staring at earlier who he now was called Carl Grimes. After the explosion growling followed and he peered behind the car to see a hoard of figures limping slowly towards them. This caused the three families to all take off in the same direction. Apparently Mark had known the the adults, Shane (who he was aquatinted with in Highschool) and Lori (who he also knew in Highschool) before he moved to Australia. The group stopped to take a breather in the clearing of the woods. The adults were all discussing their next move and Frankie was stuck sitting on a log with Carl and Sophie. Jayden had gone off somewhere.

Carl looked over towards him "I'm Carl Grimes. What's your name?"

He looked up to the boy "Frankie Laurier."

"How old are you?" He continued. The girl was sitting there playing with a doll in her lap completely ignoring the two boys existence. "12." He eventually replied.

"Cool me too." After a moments silence he spoke again "where are you from? You don't sound like your from here."

Of course. He was waiting for that question. He groaned slightly as to not seem rude "Melbourne, in Australia. My dads from here though that's why he has an accent like you guys."

"Oh okay cool. I've always wanted to go to Australia, what's it like?" Frankie takes back what he thought about speaking to the boy before. His mind was racing all he wanted to do was sit down and cry. He was worrying about his grandma back home, his friends, his pets.

"Hot." Is all he responded with causing Carl to chuckle.

More explosions sounded in the air causing them both to flinch hard. The adults suddenly rushed towards them and before they knew it they were sprinting back through the forest.

Jayden nowhere to be seen.


First TWD Story 🤭🤭

I will be following the main plot of the story but for now I think I'll just write about arriving in the camp and his relationships with the group. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!



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