Series 1: Episode 2

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"Aim for the skull, duh?"
In which Frankie Laurier saves the day (or at least he thinks he does)

"Aim for the skull, duh?"In which Frankie Laurier saves the day (or at least he thinks he does)

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"Disoriented. I guess that comes closest. Disoriented"

Most of the group were scattered around one campfire. They were huddled in separate groups mainly consisting of members of their family except the Peletiers who sat round a fire of their own. They had been doing that since day one of the camp, everyone knew what happened in that family but said nothing. Frankie had almost done a thousand times but his dad always stopped him before he could say something that could earn him a slap to the face by Ed.

Thunder sounded in the air perfectly complimenting the dark atmosphere that engulfed the group.

"Fear confusion all those things but, disoriented comes closest." Rick continued both arms slung around his family as they cuddled into him. "Words can be meager things. Sometimes they fall short." Dale added his usual wisdom to the conversation. Just the few words he muttered made Frank grin, he enjoyed listening to the older man talk he always knew what to say and how to perfectly phrase it.

"It felt like I had been ripped out of my body and put somewhere else. For a while I thought I was trapped in some coma dream. Something I might not wake up from ever." Although Frankie was at the opposite end of the fire he could see the hurt glistening in the back of Ricks eyes as he spoke. He couldn't image what he went through. Him and his family were lucky to be together for most of these months (with the exception of Jayden of course).

"Mom said you died." Carl looked up at his father from laying down in his lap. Rick switched his gaze from his son to Lori and back down at him "and she had every right to believe that. Don't you ever doubt it."

"When things started to get really bad they told me at the hospital they were going to move you and a few other patients to Atlanta, but that never happened." Lori commented. It didn't go unnoticed to Frankie throughout the night the brief glances Lori gave Shane like they were hiding something. However he brushed it off and listening contently to the adults speaking. "I'm not surprised after Atlanta fell and from the looks of that hospital it looks like it got overrun."

"Yeah looks don't deceive. I barley got them out y'know." Shane looked over at the Grimes family specifically to Rick. "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you Shane. Cant begin to express it."

"There go those words falling short again. Paltry things." Dale chuckled. For some reason Frankie was the only one to laugh as well. The boy still hadn't thanked Rick for saving his brother so he thought it was the perfect time to do so then but Ed had to ruin it by messing with the fire.

"Hey Ed, you wanna rethink that log?" Shane said in one of the most passive aggressive voice Frank had ever heard. "It's cold man."

"Cold don't change the rules does it? Keep our fires low, just embers so we can't be seen from a distance right?" Frankie swore that they had this argument just two nights ago no surprise Ed hadn't listened. "I said it's cold. Why don't you mind your own business for once"

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