"I have no problem doing it today, at all," Cal says.

"Me neither," Kav, Cami, Michelle and I say.

"I didn't even have to think about it," I say, honestly.

"I say bring it," Michelle decides.

"You know what? I think they should let us nominate more often!" Cheggs says, making us laugh.

"Tell you what though, I can't stand the way Perez is trying to make Alex look like a bully who can't wait to hurt him, never once has that man been physically aggressive and only spoken up after being provoked for an extended period of time," I grumble out.

"Agreed," multiple people speak up.

"If anything is bullying, it is that, and I think Big Brother needs to be calling Perez up on a whole lot more crap and giving him warnings, cos his behaviour is ridiculous," I add.

"This is Big Brother, could Amara please come to the diary room and give your nominations."

"The voice of God," I gasp playfully, pretending to look scared, making everyone in the room laugh.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Cheggs smirks.

"Shouldn't be too long," I hop up from my spot in Calum's arms and head out into the living room and up to the diary room.

Diary Room

"Hello Amara, please give the name and reason for your first nomination."

"My first nomination is Perez. His behaviour in this house has been deplorable. He goads and taunts those he doesn't like, and manipulates those he can to use them as a safety net when others snap back at him, because he knows they'll defend him without knowing the whole story. His behaviour in the garden the other night in particular is disgusting, and his relentless taunting of Alex and victimising himself, and I believe Big Brother needs to pull him up on his maliciousness more, or he needs to be voted out by the public. The public wants to 'get Perez out' and I am more than happy to facilitate that."

"Please give the name and reason for your second nomination."

"My second nomination is Nadia. She is lovely from what I know, but my interactions with her have been minimal because of her blind devotion to Perez. She defends and follows him without knowing all of what's happened, and she constantly seems to want a row with Katie while saying that it's Katie who is begging for it. She doesn't have to be buddy buddy with Katie, but Katie is being incredibly civil when comparatively, Nadia isn't doing much to deserve it. She enables Perez massively, so for that reason, she is my second person."

"Thank you Amara, you may leave the diary room."

I exit the diary room and feel a weight off my shoulders from having nominated and gotten those things off my chest.


In the bedroom, Perez is putting on Pricey's dress from last night.

"It actually fits you well, you have a different frame to Pricey but without the tits, it works," I say, having a chuckle at the end, and he laughs too, to my surprise.

"Run around the garden like a fair maiden," Kav tells him.

"Some people might not like that," Perez says, slightly hesitant.

"It's not so much the running around the garden, it's when you do things like the other night. If you're just having some fun and flouncing around, you'll be right," I tell him, and he nods.

"Besides, won't be the first time," Kav snarks.

"Alright, just once," Perez decides. He proceeds to wander out of the room.

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