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Kofi V.

One Week Later

It was after seven and all I wanted was a good meal, a long shower, and some shut-eye. It was Thursday night and Lolo was free tomorrow for her appointment, so I had found a way to con her into staying with me. Since we got back from New York she had been staying at her home and I knew what the problem was. It wasn't stated, but I knew what was bothering her. It was just too late to put that kind of distance between us, for such a reason.

"C'mon Lolo. I'm tired, mama." I spoke into the phone, turning into her driveway.

"I'm coming. Can you get my bag for me, please? It's two of them in the kitchen."

"Alright." Getting out of the Charger, I pulled the hoodie over my head before locking the doors, since the car was still running.

"Where ya' at, baby?" I asked, closing the door behind me before taking the stairs up.

"In my bedroom. I'm coming!"

Upstairs in the common area, two duffle bags were sitting on the kitchen island and I grabbed them to take out with me.

Who the fuck? Outside by the curb was a silver unmarked Tahoe parked.

I knew the police when I saw them. It had been years since I had a run-in, but like clockwork, I knew they'll be around sooner than later.

Popping the trunk, I tossed Lolo's bags inside. Just as Christian White stepped out. He crossed the path to the driveway and I leaned against the SRT.


"What you doin' here, White?"

I knew how he found me because there was no other way besides her. When I got involved in the streets, I covered my ends. I haven't been found in his search engines since I was twenty years old. Paying top dollar to cover myself up. If it ever came out I'll probably do treason for interfering with federal findings.

Right now? White only had Iola, but not for much longer.

At first, my little brother only told me "a man" had approached her during that night at the Played. It wasn't until a week later when he came over that he explained that man had been FBI's finest. White had known of me since partnering up with Houston local police. Newman making sure to personally fill him in. However, I always threw a curve in his research, and with Cole being the genius on the technical side, there hadn't been much to even curve lately. Besides the disappearance of Taliah Cruz-Montana.

Because of her rocky relationship, Jason Montana had been the first person of interest. However, after investigating and his alibis clearing, he had been ruled out. Of course, the next person is, yours truly.

"I figured I'll find you here one day. Your girlfriend's place right?"

"What you want with me, White?"

"I thought you came back inside, I was talking to myself,"


Lolo walked out, stopping herself mid-sentence as she took in the sight. She remembered him because her eyes bucked once she realized who it was standing in her driveway. Iola stepped closer in my direction and I pulled her in, my neutral expression on White.

"I only came to you regarding Taliah Montana, better known as, Cruz. She's been missing. Her family said she was fine. Her sister had just seen her. I was hoping you could help us with finding her. You two been in contact lately?" He spoke, but for some reason, his eyes were on Lolo more than me. White may have approached her at Played out of wanting more information on me, but there was no denying his attraction to Iola. It was loud and clear.

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