31 - almost caught lackin

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“eh?” y/n blushed a little at his cute response.

kenma stayed silent while y/n laughed softly. “sure. ill sleep with you.” he replied.

“your hair is all dried now.” he smiled, putting the towel away

kenma mentally crawled into a hole to hide from the embarrassment.

‘what am i doing.. i need to calm down.’

y/n took off his shirt, and he started panicking again. ‘HOW THE FUCK DO I CALM DOWN?’ he quickly looked away realising that y/n usually sleeps half naked. it never bothered him so much until now.

‘maybe ill just close my eyes and sleep.’ he thought for a moment before laying his head on the pillow. at the same time, y/n had turned off the lights and laid next to him.

“are you actually sleeping?” y/n questioned, “or are you planning to pull out your switch as soon as i sleep?” he turned to face his boyfriend.

“no, i didn't bring my switch.” kenma replied, looking back at him.

“really? thats a first.” y/n looked surprised. he then runs his fingers through kenma's hair.

kenma holds y/n's arm unknowingly and just stares at him. “is there something wrong?” y/n asks, feeling worried by his boyfriend's actions.

after hearing no reply, y/n feels even more concerned. “kenma?” he called out.

kenma just hummed as a response, “nothing.” he said, debating on whether he should tell y/n or not.

y/n sighed and covered kenma with the blanket. “you know you can always talk to me right?” he reassured him, pulling his body closer to his own.

kenma felt his heart race faster and slowly placed his hands on y/n's body. “yeah.”

y/n smiled and kissed him, “then, good night-”

“do it again.” kenma spoke up, he couldn't take it anymore.

“what?” y/n gets flustered at kenma's words. “okay..” he kissed him again, this time kenma kissing him back.

he pulled away for a moment, “hey, could it be that you were too shy to ask for a kiss this whole time?” he put his hand on kenma's cheek.

kenma's silence and slight eye movement said it all, y/n couldn't help but grin at his cuteness. “fuck, you're so cute.” he got up and started kissing him once again.

by the time y/n was completely on top of him, he'd have his arms around the back of his neck.

“n/n..” kenma huffed softly as y/n left a mark on his neck and slowly moved his hands under his hoodie.

“y/n! are you sleeping?” they both stopped whatever they were doing and quickly pretended to be asleep. hearing s/n's voice scared the shit out of them.

s/n who heard nothing from her brother's end just decided to walk away,  “ugh, why does he fall asleep when i need him.” she grumbled.

the couple had been softly panting, being careful not to make a sound.

kenma was close enough to hear y/n's heart racing.

the spot where y/n had left a mark started tingling. kenma softly gasped in realisation of what they had just done and covered his face in hopes of cooling it down with his cold hands.

“um, let's just head to bed?” y/n was as equally as flustered as his boyfriend. “goodnight.” he held kenma closer in his arms.

“yeah, goodnight.”


tsukishima scoffed at the beaten up kuroo. “you are such an idiot.” he rolled his eyes.

he had been called over to help kuroo with his "studies" but apparently kuroo just needed help with cleaning.

“just help me out!” kuroo cried out. “yaku will kill me this time.”

“and i hope he does.” tsukishima grumbled, picking up a plastic cup and bonking it on kuroo's head.

“hey! i called you to help, not to throw shit at my head.” he pouted. tsukishima just sighed and helped him out.

it was only until after an hour that the entire dorm would be clean.

“phew. that should do it.” kuroo smiled proudly. “thanks tsukki!” he pats his friend on the back.

“ugh. im going home.” he questioned why he even came or stayed.

“we have strawberry shortcake.”

those words made tsukishima instantly take a seat on the couch. “i suppose ill stay for a midnight snack.” he was quick to change his mind.

kuroo chuckled and served him some cake, “wanna watch a movie?” he asked as he turned on netflix on his laptop.

“no.” tsukishima shook his head before taking in a spoonful of cake. kuroo ignored him and still put on a movie for them to watch.

tsukishima rolled his eyes slightly, then relaxing them on the screen. before he knew it, he was already engrossed in the film.

after finishing the cake, he'd unknowingly place his head on kuroo's shoulder.

kuroo was a blushing mess, he couldn't focus on the movie at all. “uh, tsukishima?” he called out nervously.

tsukishima lifted his head, “oh sorry,” he looked up at him awkwardly. “you got any drinks?”


yeah, tsukishima got drunk. he's a total lightweight. kuroo regretted getting him beers.

he had himself wrapped around kuroo's arm. “kuroo.” he called out suddenly, “hey, asshole, listen.” he cupped kuroo's cheeks and made him face him.

kuroo took his hand off, “you're drunk, rest for a while.” he looked away and was about to get up before tsukishima stopped him.

“sit, you fucker.” he sat on top of him and cupped his cheeks again.

“no, kei, this is..” kuroo turned red, he tried getting him off.

tsukishima intertwined his fingers with kuroo's to lock his hands in place. he then placed his lips on kuroo's.

he tried to stop him, tsukishima then bit kuroo's lip. “fuck, just kiss me back.” he tried kissing him again but kuroo took the chance to quickly get up and lock him in the bedroom.

he sat outside the room, his knees weakened, forcing him to sit on the floor. “what the fuck.” he blushed.


a/n: look at this spicy ass chapter 🙈

- twerks ✨

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