45 - fallen ace

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kenma's pov

i really don't know what i just witnessed.

y/n was just, amazing. he'd played the position of the ace perfectly. i kind of expected their co-ordination to be really off since he isn't the usual ace, but because sugawara and him were in sync, it really made a big difference in the entire team's performance.

although i think its just them who really were in sync, some of them really couldn't keep up with their speed and almost bumped into eachother. thankfully, they played good.

i think its quite obvious that karasuno won the match.

it may have felt like a tough match for both the teams, but i feel like having y/n on the team made it look effortless.

i watch as he wipes off his sweat with the bottom of his jersey, revealing his abdomen. i can tell that it definitely shook up the group of girls watching from the corner of the gym.

"my god, i wish i could watch him play all day."

"its too bad that he quit playing full-time."

"L/N SAN, YOU'RE SO SEXY!" some random ass girl screams.


why the fuck does he have so many fangirls. hes mine, the fuck?

anyways, this really makes me wonder, if he's this good, why did he even quit?


"because there are others who have better potential, they deserve a chance too." y/n explains freely as he sips on a juice box.

"so, you quit to give others a chance?" i stare at him, dumbfounded.

"kind of, yeah. i feel like im someone who really demotivates new volleyball players." he explains, "i dont like how that makes me feel, so i just quit."


"no, seriously!" he just laughs then looks down at his shoes and continues, "there is another reason, i really messed up during one of our matches."

"what?" this intrigues me, "what happened?"

"they just, couldn't keep up. we lost because of me." he sighed. "long story short, daichi had to let me off the team and make asahi their ace. i was too off-sync for them, and only sugawara could keep up. they had to let me go. it's not like i hate them for it, its understandable." he smiled at me, offering me the juice box.

i take it and sip whats left, "i think you should keep playing." i hold his hand.

he turns his head to me, confused.

"you're a great player, so keep playing. you just need to find people who can keep up." i rest my head on his shoulder.

"i can't just change schools midyear. plus, im happy with where i am right now." he says while fidgeting with my hair.

"im doing good in school, i have the best of friends, i run a channel with millions of viewers each day..." y/n then looks me straight in the eyes, "and most importantly, i have you. what more could i possibly want?"

i get slight flustered at his final sentence but somehow feel more annoyed. "but thats not fair." i start.

"its not fair that just because people can't keep up with you means that you have to stop it all. you just need people who are capable of getting to your level."

y/n looks at me with an unsure look, "isnt that selfish?"

"its never selfish to want something like this, it's important to walk your own path and not let others create a new one for you."

"but do i really want this?" he looks at me, waiting for an answer.

"thats not on me to decide. its you who'll answer it for yourself."

he sighs, "okay. ill give what we just talked about some more thought."

"good." i smiled before sippong the last of the juice from the juice box and throwing it in a nearby bin.

"Y/N. YOU HAVE GOT TO TELL ME YOUR SECRETS." shoyo ran up to us.

kageyama is there too, but he's acting all unbothered even though its pretty obvious that he wants to hear y/n's advice too.

"ah, what?" y/n just stared down at them confused.



"oh, i just did a quick pow pew!" y/n smirked.

"OH MY GOD, TEACH ME." shoyo squealed excitedly.

y/n laughed and agreed to teach both kageyama and shoyo his methods.

"but not right now, ive got to take care of kenma." he said putting an arm around my shoulder.


"does it feel good?"

i exhale and nod, "yeah, really good."

y/n continues massaging my hips in a circular motion.

this fucker is multi-talented, he can cook, clean, play games like a pro, he plays volleyball flawlessly AND gives great massages???

"geez, your skin is so pale. i can still see my marks on your body." he gently rubs my chest with his thumb.

as a result, my back arches a little, "im, still sensitive around there." i try to explain.

y/n chuckles, "alright." he smiles as he pulls his hand back.

for some reason, my eyes decided to meet his.

"has anyone ever told you that you're really seductive?"



-twerks ✨

"𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓-𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐄" - kozume kenma x male!readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora