13 - past feelings

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tsukishima walked toward the dormitories, he was returning back from buying groceries.

“hey! tsukki!” he heard a familiar voice call out to him. “yamaguchi. are you returning from your date with that emo ass hole?” he rolled his eyes. “tsukki..! thats not nice...!” yamaguchi pouted.

tsukishima smiled slightly. although he was mean to everyone, he always had a soft spot for his bestfriend. they walked in silence for a while before yamaguchi stopped walking.

“whats wrong?”

“tsukki, you...”

tsukishima stopped walking and wondered what happened to the green haired boy.

“you aren't hung up over any past feelings right?” yamaguchi looked up at his bestfriend. tsukishima bit his tongue. “no, of course not. i realised long ago that i was wrong and that we're better off as friends anyway.” tsukishima turned around and walked ahead of yamaguchi.

“oh thats great!” yamaguchi chuckled, “im glad i got that off of my chest!” he sighed before catching up with the blonde and ranting about his date.

‘of course im not over it. you fucking idiot.’ tsukishima bites his lip. he remembers that day as clear as day.


“yamaguchi... im in love with you...”

“tsukki... im sorry... i have feelings for someone else...”


he cringed at the thought of that moment. their relationship as friends almost went for a toss after that moment.

tsukishima only recovered because the most annoying guy coincidentally found him in his worst state. he's really grateful for kuroo, but if he shows it, the idiot will end up sticking to him forever, not like he isn't sticking to him now as well.

thinking about how much kuroo helped him cope up with his heartbreak. his heart suddenly skipped a beat, but he didn't pay any attention to it.

he suddenly remembered a conversation about kuroo's long time crush. he felt his chest feel heavy and assumed he was probably going to puke thinking about him. ‘eugh why am i even thinking about this guy. gross.’

tsukishima looked down at the gleaming yamaguchi to brighten his mood. he wishes that he could be the one that he's talking about so happily. ‘why do i have to suffer with these feelings. what the hell do i even do with them now?’


“im heading to bed. ask that idiot to help you out with wrapping up lunch.” tsukishima said to yamaguchi as he walked into the bedroom to take a nap until yamaguchi stopped him. “tsukki! after your nap. lets hang out!”

tsukishima looked at him for a few seconds realising that he shouldn't keep his hopes up. “yeah whatever.” he said walking into the bedroom and laying down, only to fall asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow.





french fried
i literally just woke up.

can you not ruin my evening?


your best friend invited the
gang for drinks in a few
hours! i was wonderin if
you would be tagging
along too 😚


tsukishima literally had to wipe his glasses to re-read that statement. yamaguchi? drinking? thats not something he would imagine his best friend would do. it must be that terushima guy influencing him. it irritated him to the max.

he had decided that he'd better go to take care of yamaguchi. he couldn't trust anyone.





french fried
oh my god just shut up.

yes. im going, and im praying
that you don't come.

aweeee ur so cute 🥺

french fried
please shut up.

make me~

you can no longer message this user.

tsukishima threw his phone on the bed not feeling a single thing after blocking kuroo.


a/n: TEA 😜☕

- twerks ✨

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