"So now?" I asked looking at Asher.

"Don't worry Adrian. I'll give my hundred percent in this. I'll get her information no matter how" Asher chirped with determination in his eyes.

I nodded at him.

"By the way Celia, you were in contact with Ev from long time, don't you know anything more?" Asher asked hopefully.

"Sorry uncle, but I don't have much information. Ev hasn't shared much with me" She replied with an apologetic face.

"Has she never talked about the places she used to live? Or any orphanage name? Or anyone who might have adopted her? Or who gave her the surname 'Adams'?" Asher asked again but Celia denied.

"Try to remember something baby" Liam said and side hugged her.

"I don't know. I don't remember her sharing much about her personal life. She only said that she was orphan and used to live in Srilanka before she came to NewYork. She never told me anything more" Celia said.

We all settled ourselves in nearby couch and kept thinking about Ev's past. I really want to know about my daughter's past.

"Oh my god" Suddenly Celia jumped in panic.

"What happened?" We all stood up looking at her.

"I remembered something" She said all of a sudden.

"What?" Me and Asher, we both questioned at the same time.

"I remember when once I was talking to Ev and I told her that my big brother loves travelling and he often travels. And that time my brother was in Amsterdam so I told her that. But as soon as I said Amsterdam, Ev was scared. Although she quickly masked her expressions but I caught her. I even questioned her about that but she changed the subject. Not just that, when next day I showed her my brother's picture who was in Amsterdam at that time, she quickly stood up saying she had class to attend but that day her class was cancelled. She lied to me. That time I didn't noticed much but now I think maybe Amsterdam has something to do with Ev" Celia completed.

"Maybe Victoria is in Amsterdam and that's why Ev was scared" Aaron said suddenly.

"Or maybe Ev was in Amsterdam and something bad happened to her that's why she was scared and left that place" Asher said after a while.

"I think we should take a chance and try to search Victoria in Amsterdam and also Ev's past" Liam said.

"I have few contacts in Amsterdam. And one of that is of a sub-inspector. I'll ask his help" Asher said and we all nodded.

"Bu-" I stopped when my eyes fell on Ev. She was standing beside a pillar, glaring us. Sensing my gaze, everyone looked to where I was looking and they all gasps in surprise.

Ev came to us, limping a little as her ankle was injured. She glared all of us, especially Celia.

She has definitely heard our conversation.

I glared the bodyguards and nurse whom I have hired for Ev. They all looked at me in fear. I angrily gestured them to leave through my eyes and within a second they all left.

"I was leaving but thought of saying 'goodbye' and 'thank you' to you people for helping me" She said with a smile but her smile didn't reached her eyes. It looked fake.

And this was the time I knew either I can win my daughter back or I can lose her forever.

"E- Grace?" Sofia called her but I knew Sofia was shaking from inside.

She is scared.

"G-Grace, you haven't healed properly. Why are you leaving?" Celia asked shockingly.

"I'm okay" Ev said curtly and glared Celia.

"Grace" Celia chirped walking towards her but Ev took a step back.

"Celia I'm fine. I want to go back" Ev chirped looking directly at Celia with straight face.


"I'm Grace" Ev said cutting Aaron in middle.

"Right, Grace. Please stay here for some more time. I promise when you will be fine, I'll myself take you to your dorm" Aaron said but Ev looked more angry after this.

"Why should I stay here? So that you people can invade my privacy? What and why do you want to know about my life? And for God sake stop calling me Ev. Is that your code word or what?" Ev yelled angrily looking at Aaron who looked shocked after her rant.

"And Celia, I never knew that all this time I was trusting a wrong person but guess, I was wrong. I shouldn't have trusted you" Ev said glaring Celia and started walking but Sofia went to her and stopped her.


"Let me go" I yelled angrily but mrs parkar was not leaving me.

"Ev please, don't go" Mrs parkar said and tried to hug me but I moved back from her.

"For God sake I'm not Ev. I'm Grace. Grace Adams" I yelled again.

"No, you're not. You are Evelyn Adrian Parkar. You're my daughter. Mine and Adrian's daughter" Mrs parkar said while crying.

I was numb. No she is lying. This isn't true. She isn't my mother. She is not.

"No, you're lying. I don't have a mother" I said looking at her with worried face.


"Leave me" I yelled at mrs parkar who was not leaving my hand.

"No" She cried and once again tried to hug me but this time I pushed her away from me and to my bad luck she bumped with the pillar.

Oh no!


I hope you guys liked the chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment. And also share this story with your friends and family and check my other books too.

Thank you (❁´◡'❁)

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