Seven inches is the weak point of each snake, and it is naturally the place where the anaconda cannot turn its head and bite the hen.

    The soft underbelly was attacked, and the anaconda began to twist in pain, but he still did not let go of the tightness on the hen's body. Instead, he wrapped it around again and continued to squeeze hard!

    The hen was entangled by its body, and its neck was raised high, and it kept pecking at the same place, but gradually, its constantly flapping claws also began to stop moving, and the strength of each peck was It is getting smaller and smaller, and it is about to be hanged!

    At this moment, the hen suddenly spit out human words, turned her head to look at Zhuang Jiu and Werther in the sky with precision, and let out a weak roar: "Grass! What are you still doing? My mother is going to be strangled, so don't come here. Help!"

    Zhuang Jiu: It's not surprising that a chicken can talk, but how could this chicken have this attitude? It's not polite to ask someone to do something.

    Of course, this is just her slander, and she will definitely make a move. After all, there are a bunch of chicks in the pit of the base who are eagerly waiting for their mother to go back.

    "Is that the snake you feel? There is a liquid on it that can make you evolve?" Zhuang Jiu asked the vine softly.

    But I didn't expect the vine to tilt his head strangely: "It should be... After seeing it, it felt that it was not as big as I thought at first, and it was too inconsistent with the situation I just felt."

    It I didn't think about it for so long, so I rushed out happily: "Forget it, it doesn't matter, just have it! I'm coming for the good stuff!"

    The situation on the field After the vines joined the attack, the hen, who was originally on the disadvantaged side, began to breathe a sigh of relief.

    The vine was like the anaconda wrapped around the hen before, wrapping tightly around the anaconda's body, and then with a force, the vine was tightly squeezed into the snake's body. Broken inch by inch!

    The anaconda was in pain and began to writhe and struggle. It raised its body high, and slammed on the ground again, and while twisting, it flung dust and dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground everywhere. Its heavy body slammed on the ground, and the ground trembled imperceptibly.

    The hen took advantage of the situation to escape, and while sitting humanely next to her to rest, she stared at the snakes and vines on the field with wide eyes.

    The anaconda originally wanted to use the same routine to deal with the vines, but I didn't expect the vines to be more flexible than it. Not only did it not let it escape and entangle itself, but it was tightened even more tightly, and it almost broke its body inch by inch. It opened its mouth wide and tried to attack the vine, but the more it did, the tighter the tangle of the vine!

    Not only that, the vine even went around a few more times, sealing the anaconda's mouth together.

    At the same time, the vine's body also began to be the same as before - its body was bulging, as if it was swallowing some liquid.

    This time the battle was on the ground, and Zhuang Jiu was able to see the whole process of vine absorption.

    Under the attack of the vines, the body of the anaconda began to seep a certain black, smelly liquid drop by drop. This liquid did not condense into water droplets and fell down, but after touching the vines, it was silently absorbed into the vines. in the body.

    Gradually, the anaconda stopped moving, and the body secreted less and less liquid, and the strange smell also dissipated a lot. Its body began to shrink like the previous centipede, and finally stopped on an arm-sized body about 6 meters long, unable to retract any longer.

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