021- Testing

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Tara and I make it in the car.

I felt my face filling up with tears, nothing coming out. Not a single sound.

Tara touches my back "Aw,you'll be alright. This is what you guys wanted right?"

"Yes but...pregnancy always had an emotional toll on me. Even with Archer, I was always in different moods." I said turning on the car and pulling out of the doctors.

"Oh wow, well are you still going to do what the doctors said?"

"I suppose. It's the only way to find out for sure."

I pull into the Walgreens parking lot. Once I park the car Tara and I get out and make a beeline for the store.

I pick up two text boxes, and go to the self check out. After paying Tara and I go to the bathrooms there.

I go inside the stall and open one of the boxes. Just like the dr said, there were two strips.

I do my business on both and replace the caps setting an alarm for 3 minutes.

I knock to let Tara know she can enter with me.

I felt a sudden urge to just use both boxes, and forget about the two week appointment.

I tell Tara to turn around and lock the door.

I do my business on the others two sticks. I look at the time in my watch and make a mental note to add an extra minute to the alarm.

I start be watching heavily, I was scared. But it's nothing to worry about right? I've been pregnant before, I had Archer and look at him, everyone loves him!

Well...almost everyone. When his biological dad found out i was pregnant with him, he didn't want to believe it was his.

"What if Seth doesn't believe me?" I said out loud. Not realizing it.

"What do you mean? Of course he'll believe you!" Tara reassured me.

"He will?" I say wiping a tear.

"Yes. I promise." Tara smiles back and brings me into a warm hug.

"I like warm hugs." I say softly.

"Okay Olaf!" She laughs.

The alarm goes off, I need to wait for an extra minute.

"Tara..I'm scared. Will you look with me?"

"Of course, I'll look at two and you look at two."

"Okay I'm ready." I say picking up my two, careful not to flip them over yet.

Tara picks up two tests "3...2..1."

We flip over our tests. I study mine for a moment to make sure I see everything correctly.

I studied the lines. The lines as clear as day, appearing to tell me, I was pregnant.

But I wouldn't believe it until I saw Tara's tests.

I look up at her, she looks back at me and nods.

She flips the tests so I can see.

The words now appearing on the strip. Pregnant.

"...I'm pregnant.."

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