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Sam and Colby gather in Sam's car while Seth and I take Seth's.

We make our way to the NSB house.

I only saw two cars there. I wasn't for sure who was gone. But I knew one car was Sebastian's.

The four of us walk up to the door, colby rings the bell.

The door opens to reveal Sebastian and Justin. That must be Justin's new car.

"What are you doing here? Who are these guys?" Sebastian asked pointing between Sam, Colby, and Seth.

"Not important, Darren's not here is he? I don't have much time." I say busting in the door. "This way guys." I say leading them to where I stayed.

I had them each take out some bags, me helping of course. Justin and Sebastian trying to get answers out if either of us as we traveled back and forth.

"Alright which car has more space left?" Seth asked starting to disassemble the child bed and move archers mattress.

"I would say ours." Sam stated taking the mattress, presumably to his vehicle.

I help Seth take apart the bed, and transfer the parts to Sams car.

"Well...are you coming back?" Sebastian asked as I went to go say my goodbyes.

"I'm not for sure. I just can't stand to be around Darren. Or someone who doesn't want to be a father to his son for that matter.."

"But darren ain't archers father?" Justin questions.

"Well, no. He's not. But Archer's father is in this area. He shows no interest in raising him." I stated turning around, last bag in hand.

Seth and I climb in the car. Sam and Colby already headed back to their house. "Bye guys." I mutter out to Sebastian and Justin before pulling out of the driveway.

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