Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 Pursuit Difficulty Increased by 30%

    Wen Yan spent a tormented time. Others were chatting and eating. He was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

    If Ren Zhaoruo learns that he likes her and says something to him, he has to keep calm and reply, but he can't mess with her and make her think that she is an untrustworthy person.

    He didn't want her to think he liked her on a whim, or just like her looks. If this was the case, he wouldn't have liked her for so long - he was not a patient person, if he just liked her face, he would have chased her right away, but he wasn't.

    Although it's too early to say this at his age, he does want to spend his life with her, not a relationship that will break up after a few months.

    Wen Yan was in no mood to manage her expression, and kept her face straight, but others didn't find it strange. If it was someone else who showed unhappiness on his face, everyone would try to solve that person.

    What if it was Wenyan? Everyone will think it's normal. Originally, he was an expressionless person. His normal state was a cold face. It would be scary if he comforted you in a soft voice someday.     After dinner, everyone went back to the library to study. Wen Yan was not in the mood to read the textbook at all, and he had finished his homework in the morning, and now he doesn't even have to open the textbook. In order to relieve his tense emotions, he casually took a book and came back to read it, even if he couldn't read a word of it.     Qian Zihong probed and asked, "Brother Yan, what are you looking at?"     Ren Zhaoruo also looked up at Wen Yan, she really didn't want to do the questions, didn't she save all the homework until the last night to stay up late to do it, why did she Are you trying so hard now?     The person he likes is looking at him, and Wen Yan thinks this is a good opportunity for him to express himself. Compared with those who play games all day, she should like boys who are knowledgeable and literate and love to read books, right?     He was just about to show his literary and artistic style, and when he saw the title of the book, he fell silent.     "This book is called "Cold Blood"." Wen Yan paused, "It's adapted from a real case."

    Qian Zihong asked, "What case?"

    Wen Yan said hesitantly, "...the case of a family of four tragically killed."

    Qian Zihong's smile froze on his face, the others fell silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became very Awkward.

    ——Why is he just reading this type of novel? How good would it be if it were replaced by those world famous books, he would be embarrassed to answer the title of the book, what should she do if she thinks too much?

    "As expected of you, Brother Yan." Qian Zihong gave him a thumbs up, "You can actually read this, it's really different."

    Wen Yan twitched the corners of his mouth, and really didn't want to accept such a compliment.

    Ren Zhaoruo broke the siege and said, "That's not bad, I really like novels and movies based on real stories, like The Theory of Everything, I watched it several times."

    She smiled, "It's better than me. Those novels with ridiculous plots are much better."

    Wen Yan felt a little happy, he didn't expect Ren Zhaoruo to speak for him, one minute he was so embarrassed that he wanted to escape from this earth, and the next minute he was 'revived' again.

    Once this topic started, everyone's mind was not on learning, and they whispered about the movies and TV dramas they had watched adapted from real stories. Today's protagonist's textbook was forgotten and cried silently.     After all, the library is not a good place to talk. Several people packed up their things and left without hesitation. After stepping out of the door, everyone was finally able to speak at a normal volume, and it felt like they could laugh more happily.     Everyone found a dessert shop to sit down and chat to pass the time, and they didn't end until the evening, and went back to their respective houses for dinner.     Fang Jiexin and the others said goodbye and left, leaving the people living in the same community. Shi Jiakai proposed to go back together, but Ren Zhaoruo was stopped before he could speak.     Ren Yiyun grabbed Ren Zhaoruo's hat, "Mom and Dad said we won't go home for dinner tonight, let us figure it out ourselves, what do you want to eat?"     Ren Zhaoruo rolled her eyes, "Are you paying?"

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