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Scarlett had been out grabbing dinner for her and Quita when Holden had called. She didn't know he'd been calling. She didn't know Quita had answered it. What she did know though, was she was pissed off and the reason for it was sitting across from her stuffing her face with food. 

"There's about a thousand red missed phone calls from Holden, Quita, and one white. What did he say?" Yes, Scarlett was upset and avoiding Holden. After all, he'd made it clear he didn't care about her families murder investigation. But she knew it was said in the heat of the moment and she knew what she'd said, or rather what she hadn't said to Holden, was worse. 

No. Of course she didn't blame Holden for what happened. She didn't blame him for Wyatt's actions and she didn't blame him for Nolan's death. The only person to blame was sitting behind bars. Scarlett just couldn't help the thoughts that invaded her head sometimes. 

The boy she fell in love with when she was just a kid was related to a monster, many monsters actually. He was the one lit candle in a room of darkness. And yet she treated him like the darkness. She treated Holden like he was the monster that blew out the only light source. 

"I didn't give him time to speak" Quita's short and sharp responses were testing Scarlett's patience. She wanted to know what Holden had said, but more, she wanted to know what dumb shit had fallen from Quita's mouth that lead to no more notifications.

"You're being candid which means you said something you know I'd have a problem with. Quita, what did you say?" It was clear Scarlett's dead staring eyes nerved Quita. After all, Scarlett had a dangerous energy. She reminded Quita of her orange pet snake, Penny. Beauty beyond belief, but one small bite and your next holiday is 6 feet in the ground. The only difference between Scarlett and Penny? Penny was venomoid. 

"I just told him you wanted a break-" Scarlett had stopped listening to Quita the second the word 'break' left her mouth. If Scarlett was a violent person she'd of punched her best friend in the face and then clipped her tongue so she could never mutter another word again. Scarlett suddenly wasn't hungry. She suddenly was over avoiding Holden. She went to leave her untouched food on the kitchen table but when she looked over and saw Quita hadn't eaten much of her own food she wrapped it up and put it in a plastic bag. 

Scarlett walked over and snatched Quita's dinner from the coffee table she'd left it untouched on for not even a whole 10 seconds before throwing it in the bag. Scarlett knew where she was going, and she hoped seeing food would be a good starter to get him to open the door. 

"Where are you going? That's mine" Scarlett grabbed her Dad's car keys and her jacket, the plastic bag in her hands as she headed for the apartment door. 

"I bought it. It's mine" Scarlett had almost made it out the door before Quita jumped up, a confused look on her face. 

"Where are you going?" Quita asked loudly, almost demanding a response from Scarlett. 

"To apologise to Holden for your diarrhea mouth."

Scarlett didn't want a break from Holden. Sure, she felt like maybe she should try to rely on him less, but that didn't mean she wanted to take a break from their relationship. She loved Holden, more than life, so the thought of being apart from him terrified her. 

She had to go and see him and she didn't let the butterflies in her stomach deter her from doing so. 



I'll never understand the pleasure people get from drinking. 

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