Deewangi: SidNaaz🥰💫

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Time passed slowly, and Sidharth took the time to look for houses to arrange their wedding. Mukhda and Moiz both agreed to be their witnesses. Shehnaaz refused to have a big wedding, and she didn't want a honeymoon either. Looking for a place to live was also proving to be rather difficult, or the truth was, Shehnaaz was being difficult. The places they'd visited she found something wrong with them.

The rooms were too small, the garden too dangerous or the price too steep. He was patient knowing he was taking her out of her comfort zone. Moiz wasn't sticking his nose in to shit that didn't concern him, and work was moving by peacefully. He hated the peace.

Thinking about his friend, he was reminded of the time he'd told Moiz he was going to pay a visit to Mukhda. Moiz had gotten angry and told him to leave shit well enough alone.

In all of his life, he'd never been able to leave shit alone. Taking a visit to her place one night he found Mukhda alone. He warned her what talking would do. She wasn't going to be telling anyone. The thought of losing Shehnaaz or his kid because of someone running their mouth filled him with fear. He couldn't lose either of them. When he was at the club late at night, his thoughts would always return to Shehnaaz. She was his reason for continuing on with his life.

She gave him a reason for fighting another day to keep the bad shit at bay. The rumor mill was running riot with news of his upcoming wedding. He employed a guard to keep Shehnaaz safe whenever he wasn't there. She didn't know she was being followed, but he'd always been overly cautious. As the days passed, turning into weeks, she stopped being so cold toward him. Last night they shared his bed, and she didn't push him away. He felt closer to her than ever before.

On the thirtieth house when Shehnaaz found more than three reasons not to live there he lost his temper. When the realtor left the room he turned on her.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked.

She turned toward him. "I'm not doing anything."

"Every house we've been to is a problem. I want to know what your game is. Are you going to wait until you're ready to drop to pick a place or are we going to go around in circles?"
Shehnaaz looked at the floor. He saw the red in her cheeks.

"You were."

"No, I mean yes. Erm, I didn't want you to make a rash decision." She tucked some hair behind her ear.

"Buying a house is a huge deal, and I'm not going to be able to be part of it. This is your decision, but I don't want you to come home one night hating the fact I've stolen you away from your life."

Staring at her, Sidharth tried to see if she was telling him the truth or lying. "This is all about me?"

"Mukhda told me you're not the man to settle down. This was before you told me the truth. I don't want you to think that I got pregnant on purpose." She was fidgeting where she stood.

Reaching out, he cupped her cheeks. "Baby, I'm the one who forgot protection. If anything, I don't want you to hate me." He pulled her within his arms.

"I've been giving you time to get accustomed to me."

"You've not touched me, Sidharth. Ever since you found out about me carrying your child you've been cold toward me." Tears filled her eyes, and he watched them fall. He wiped her tears away.

This was all a big misunderstanding.

"I've been giving you space, baby. if I'd known you wanted me I'd have been on you sooner. After everything we've been through I didn't want you to think I was using you."

She smiled. "You were being sweet?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, don't tell anyone. I lose my mind when I'm around you. And I've got a hard rep to keep up."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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