Suspect [RK800 Connor]

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|| RK800 Connor x Male Reader

↳ My latest Connor post got more traction, so I figured I'd write another since you all enjoyed it!

Summary || Connor meets a man in a less-than-normal way, and they click.

CWs: Interrogation, mean Connor, little slow burn, might need a part two

CONNOR NEVER IMAGINED that someone who would be so influential to his integrity would be staring at him in the interrogation room. Cold, dead eyes gazed back into his artificial ones.

"I'm detective Connor Anderson, and I know you're Y/N L/N, is that right?" The young man who was sitting across from him nodded. Connor hummed pleasantly.

"Do you know why you're here?" Connor started, looking down at the manilla folder and the casework inside. Y/N L/N was the name of the suspect; regarded to be guilty of stealing files from CyberLife to do repairs.

"I'd rather you explain it to me clearly, detective." As much as his eyes were emotionless, a tone of distaste was evident throughout the room.

"You were found in possession of private files and manuals from CyberLife and reported for doing unofficial repairs on androids, does that sound correct?" Connor tilted his head a little, trying to unravel whatever was happening in Y/N's. Y/N didn't waver, though. He knew what to expect.

"I'm not saying shit to you." Y/N had a hostile glare directed at Connor. Connor sighed; he knew this would not be a pleasant interrogation. It never was.

"Look, I'm not here to tell you what you did was wrong. What you did, while illegal, was commendable." Connor then decided that the best approach was to gain Y/N's trust.

"Yeah, sure," Y/N pursed his lips, a glare now fixed into Connor's soul. "Trying to gain my trust, are we?"

Connor then realized just how difficult this could be. A confession would not be easy to attain from this man. Connor thought out his options carefully. Either he could continue trying to get the suspect to trust. Or use intimidation.

"Y/N, if you don't confess, we'll still be able to get an arrest. It doesn't matter if you confess. We have enough probable cause." Connor chose the second option. He lied through his teeth. They didn't have enough probable cause, Y/N was given a heads-up and scrubbed his devices clean.

"No, you don't. We both know that my devices came back with nothing." He stared indefinitely, never faltering his leer.

The detectives behind the glass noticed this. Gavin Reed, Chris Miller, and Hank Anderson all sat and watched. Gavin chuckled at Y/N's comment while the other two focused on his behavior.

"This is pointless. At this point, we might as well let L/N go." Gavin laughed. Hank sighed but agreed. They were going to get nothing out of Y/N at this rate.

Connor and his superior hearing processors knew it was time to go. He nodded as a goodbye. He came back with the detectives and the young officer.

"Chris, get him outta here," Gavin stated, watching as Chris placed handcuffs around Y/N's wrists. Connor was happy to see him easily comply. They escorted Y/N out of the room to freedom.

Y/N shot Connor a sly grin as Chris took off the handcuffs, "Later, Connor."

Weeks had passed since their interrogation. Connor had partially forgotten about it. Many new cases had come up since then that required his attention.

Connor was on his way to pick up android coffee. Since the revolution, many new android-owned shops opened for androids to better integrate into society. This movement included coffee made for androids.

On his walk to the coffee shop, he saw a familiar face. Of course, Connor knew who it was. Y/N stopped briefly with a look of amusement.

"Hello, Connor. It's nice to see you outside an interrogation room." Y/N had a more playful demeanor this time, far less cold than before. Connor smiled back at Y/N.

"Likewise." He stated. Simple and concise, Connor didn't care that he was seeing a former suspect on the streets, but it felt nice that Y/N didn't seem to hold any ill will towards him.

That was the end of that. Connor kept walking ahead to his destination. Soon, he noticed that he had a follower.

"Y/N, may I ask why you're following me?" Connor asked, a curious look on his face. Y/N only laughed before shrugging.

"I have nothing better to do, and I'm sure you don't mind a little company." Y/N's smile seemed softer, but Connor couldn't recognize why. Perhaps, Y/N was lonely and in need of social interaction.

Connor didn't mind the company; Y/N was right. The walk was mostly silent as the two exchanged glances occasionally. When they arrived at the coffee shop, they didn't separate at that moment either.

Connor put in his order at a kiosk and waited at a table. Y/N helped himself to a seat alongside him, resting his arms on the table in front of him and crossing them.

"So, detective, what brings you here?" Y/N seemed to be interested in Connor. Not in a romantic way, more so trying to worm his way into Connor's brain. Y/N had always liked androids. Even though Connor blended into the general public well, Y/N knew an android when he saw one.

"I normally get coffee in the morning. What about you? What were you doing walking around?" Connor determined it was his turn to ask questions. Y/N leaned back in his seat.

"I was on a stroll in the city. It's finally getting to be spring, and I'm enjoying the weather." Y/N replied. Connor nodded in thought. Connor didn't notice seasonal changes the way that humans did.

"I suppose it is getting nicer." Connor smiled while looking out the window at the glistening snow piles. The sun reflected off the snow and into Connor's artificial eyes, which then reflected onto the table.

"Be careful with those disco eyes. You might blind someone." Y/N teased, pointing out the reflection of the sun on the table. Connor turned away from the window.

"I do not wish to cause visual impairment to anyone." Connor smiled, joking right along with him. In his months of deviancy, he had gotten better at detecting sarcasm and social cues. It wasn't perfect, but it passed enough for what he was trying to do.

Connor's order arrived, and he made his way out, followed by Y/N.

"This is where we say goodbye," Y/N observed, Connor needed to head back to the office, and Y/N had things he needed to attend to. Connor bobbed his head as a form of agreement.

"Later, Y/N."

|| Word Count: 1,106

SACCHARINE SWEET ❁ d:bh x male reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now