It's Okay [Captain Allen]

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|| Captain Allen x Male Reader

↳ Anon request! I hope you like it :)

Summary || The reader locks himself out of his house and resorts to calling up the captain for a place to stay. David's hesitant and admits why he's so nervous about him staying the night.

TWs: Swearing, emotional conversation, crying, a fluffy kiss

IT WAS ALWAYS A DREAM TO WORK on the homicide division. However, things could've been better. I was assigned to work with a lousy man named Hank and a lovely deviant named Connor. Honestly, I had no idea how he did it. I had friends at work, some which weren't even in my department. Such as David Allen, the captain in the SWAT department.

I had met him the day he stormed in with a furrowed brow; he looked conflicted. He was searching for Captain Fowler. I was newer then, a recently transferred detective from a different department.

"Who are you?" I was too busy staring at him to respond quickly.

"Oh! Uhm, I'm Y/N L/N, the new detective in the homicide division." My posture fixed itself as I spoke. I was very intimidated. He murmured something inaudible, as hard as I tried listening. Then he nodded politely and continued off to Captain Fowler's office.

Confused as I may have been, I didn't question it. I knew better than that. Asking questions to someone visibly annoyed was essentially a death sentence in the department. I learned that the hard way with Gavin. No matter how nice you come across, if someone isn't in the mood for friendly conversation, they'll let you know.

Even though my desk wasn't near Fowler's office, I could still hear the muffled tones of them talking. It seemed urgent, whatever it was. As quickly as he had wandered in, he left. Though not before giving me another leaving glance.

At that time, I wasn't particularly good at social cues, but I knew something was up. Allen had been trying to figure out if he knew me, or maybe he was skeptical of my presence. If I was extra lucky, it was a coincidence.

The next day while I was filing through case numbers, he came back in. Rushed and irritated like the day before. Although, I could feel eyes lingering on me. Of course, as you do, I looked back to see him staring holes into me.

"L/N." His monotonous voice caught my attention. I turned around to look at him. He had sharp, defined features and a cold gaze that looked at me, trying to decode my humanity.

"Why, hello Captain Allen, what brings you here?" I tried my best not to show how petrified I was. He glanced at Fowler's office briefly before looking back at me.

"I was curious to see how the newcomer was settling in." His lips curled slightly. Like he was teasing me for being new.

"I'm doing fine here, you came for a reason, and I'd suggest you get to it sooner rather than later." I tried to be respectful. His eyebrows raised like he was surprised that I wasn't trying to take up his time. Then, to my surprise, he chuckled. It was airy and lighthearted. He patted my shoulder twice.

"You're good kid, don't ever change." He flashed me a smile and wandered off to attend his business. I wasn't that much younger than him, I assumed, but I took that to heart.

Time went by quickly as it tends to do. As time went on, we became better friends, and I was proud to say he tolerated me. Whenever we weren't on shift, it was more often than not we'd be hanging out. If someone needed either of us, they'd ask the other. That's how close we were. It was refreshing having such a healthy friendship.

One day, I was coming back from investigating a murder scene, trying to file the evidence Connor collected. It was late, and it felt like I was the only one there. I finished up reports and went to grab my keys from my pocket. Only to find they weren't there.

SACCHARINE SWEET ❁ d:bh x male reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now